Reseeding annual clover


A good 3 year old buck
In the fall I planted some annual clovers for the first time....crimson, Apache arrowleaf, Frosty berseem, Fixation balansa. I've read that some are better at reseeding than others. For example, berseem is relatively a weak reseeder, while crimson is pretty robust. My question is about the reseeding and germination timeline for these annuals. Do the seeds typically germinate about the time these annual clovers are dying in late spring / early summer? Or do they lay dormant for a while and germinate late summer / early fall? Thanks.
I think it might depend on the area, the only one I have had experience with of the ones you listed is crimson. I had a very nice thick stand of it close to an acre mixed with some other clovers and it didn't reseed very well at all for me, the following year was very sparse.
Can't say if the deer really like it better than others but I really liked the look of it.
H20 - ^^^^^ We had the same exact outcome as you with crimson clover. Deer tracks were few in it & following year most was gone. The wives loved the flowers.
Yes, Crimson does not even act as a reseeding annual in some areas. Fortunately it does here.
I planted an annual mix that's at least theoretically able to reseed. I planted mid-July. It grew great, but if it doesn't get a chance to flower and set seed, I don't see how it'll reseed. :)

In Zone3, I think a guy would need to plant much earlier than that.
Crimson is a great reseeder in TN.

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Crimson is a great reseeder in TN.

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Good to hear. When do the seeds typically germinate? Do you disk the plot or do anything to get them to germinate, or are some good rains all you need?
I planted an annual mix that's at least theoretically able to reseed. I planted mid-July. It grew great, but if it doesn't get a chance to flower and set seed, I don't see how it'll reseed. :)

In Zone3, I think a guy would need to plant much earlier than that.

Just to clarify, I’m asking about annual clover that’s planted in the fall, comes on strong and sets seeds in the spring, and then dies.

Basically, when can I expect to see the next round of germination from the annual clovers I planted back in Sep?
Crimson is a great reseeder in TN.

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Good to hear. When do the seeds typically germinate? Do you disk the plot or do anything to get them to germinate, or are some good rains all you need?

You’ll see a trickle of germination through late summer/early fall. You can scratch it up a little if you want but we’ve had good luck just waiting on the rain.

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Crimson is a great reseeder in TN.

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Good to hear. When do the seeds typically germinate? Do you disk the plot or do anything to get them to germinate, or are some good rains all you need?

Drive along the interstates in the southeast and you will see the crimson blooms that is planted by the construction crews and state agencies. No disking occurs and they bloom every spring

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