Red Osier ?


5 year old buck +
With the crazy warm temps, I would like to propagate some ROD sooner than later. My question is, when is it too late to take cuttings and plant propagate the in soil? My plan is to put 6-8 cuttings in 5 gallon buckets and get them going strong this year and then next year plant them with cages around them so they can get established.
I've cut them starting to leaf out and got them to survive and grow. Be aware though, I ended up losing them to a long dry spell when I was gone for a week while they were still in pots.

The cost is low so don't be afraid to try something.
With the crazy warm temps, I would like to propagate some ROD sooner than later. My question is, when is it too late to take cuttings and plant propagate the in soil? My plan is to put 6-8 cuttings in 5 gallon buckets and get them going strong this year and then next year plant them with cages around them so they can get established.
I tried doing this two years ago. I put a bunch straight in the ground and kept several for pots. The ones in the pots all started to leaf out and it was too fast for the underdeveloped root system. I think the leaves needed more water than the roots could provide, and the cuttings in pots nearly all died. If you go this route, get them in the pot as soon as you can and keep them out of direct sunlight or don't let them warm up too fast. For what it's worth, the cuttings I put in the field probably had a 70% success rate with no care.
My fear of putting them straight in the ground is the swamp area has tall grass and they might get shaded out.

Also, if they need to be cut now, how do you go about planting them when the ground if still frozen?
I've had great luck placing the cuttings in pots with only a small inch or two above the soil line. You want a large cutting amount underground and a small amount above ground. If you keep the pots well watered, you should have some rooted cuttings to transplant by the end of the growing season.
My fear of putting them straight in the ground is the swamp area has tall grass and they might get shaded out.

Also, if they need to be cut now, how do you go about planting them when the ground if still frozen?

Staple down some fabric or cardboard or even lime or seed bags and punch them right through with a knife and medium Phillips screwdriver.

Soon as you can get your screwdriver 6” into the soil where u want to plant, go collect your cuttings, trim them up, and plant right away.

I’ve thought about digging a hole and throwing out the native soil and dumping a bag of topsoil in and then filling it with cuttings about an inch apart. Then fill it with water until it’s saturated.

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I've had great luck placing the cuttings in pots with only a small inch or two above the soil line. You want a large cutting amount underground and a small amount above ground. If you keep the pots well watered, you should have some rooted cuttings to transplant by the end of the growing season.
Ben, two questions, how long are your cuttings? What time of year do you plant in MN/WI? Thanks
Ben, two questions, how long are your cuttings? What time of year do you plant in MN/WI? Thanks
I usually use 1 or 2 gallon pots, press them in until they hit the bottom of the pot and then cut them off an inch or two above the soil level. I typically just cut off a couple whole branches and then cut them to length when the pot is ready.

I always cut the cuttings and plant them the same day so they can't dry out. I've always done that during the dormant season just before the trees start to make leaves. Late March/early April usually works, but things seem to be moving a little ahead of schedule this year.
I keep them in a large 2 gal ziplock with a most paper towel in the frig. They have worked even after 6 months of storage.
"If you go this route, get them in the pot as soon as you can and keep them out of direct sunlight or don't let them warm up too fast. "
IMO, this is key. That's what I have to do with elderberry cuttings. Try to keep them from leafing out before the roots develop.
Did a few locations in a wetish bottom area like this. Weed mat sliced open, insert cutting, and cage.20240305_174907.jpg
Just an FYI. I took Elderberry cuttings one November after they were dormant and planted them the same November day. They all sat there all winter and thrived in the spring. Still kicking years later.