Red Dolgo Trial


We are in a severe drought. I finally had access to get about 1.5 gallons of water to each tree and all are alive.( I cross my neighbor’s land and had to go when his irrigator was not at rest.)

I can no longer get any water out of the pond. There is no flow in the ditch.

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I hope you get water soon. This is so dry so early. The school lawn shown in Bucksnort's picture in the scion exchange thread looks like what we might see in August on a really dry year but it is unimaginable to see that dryness this time of year. I am liking using the larger weed mats such as you show in this picture, especially for these dry times. They could make the difference.
I have been watering about 5 gallons a week for my apple trees, it is the driest I have had in 15 years.
I would say it has been about 15 years for us, or more since we were this dry. Farmers have all of the meadows cut and baled.

I try to water all of my trees that were planted the last two years with3-4 gallons of water every second or third day. A full bucket is just too hard on my body at this age!

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I hope you get water soon. This is so dry so early. The school lawn shown in Bucksnort's picture in the scion exchange thread looks like what we might see in August on a really dry year but it is unimaginable to see that dryness this time of year. I am liking using the larger weed mats such as you show in this picture, especially for these dry times. They could make the difference.

A SWCD office in an adjacent county has soil moisture crystals, weed mats, and the staples at a very reasonable price, comparable to on line. I can buy bundles of 25 and 100 staples in a bag.

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I hope you get water soon. This is so dry so early. The school lawn shown in Bucksnort's picture in the scion exchange thread looks like what we might see in August on a really dry year but it is unimaginable to see that dryness this time of year. I am liking using the larger weed mats such as you show in this picture, especially for these dry times. They could make the difference.


My yard.

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Even the morning dew has rarely happened.
Sandbur, I use a water bladder with a hose attached to it. It can go in the back of a truck or ranger and will hold up to 100 gallons. It has helped me out tremendously with watering when in a drought.
we had hope of rain ... there is a line to the west of us right now. praying it blows up into something... next chance is sunday.

Im going to try and get out and water some today... but I have to fix a pipe, busted through concrete to get to where it frost cracked and now I have to dig it out a bit and try and cap and seal it up. Its under the old house we are going to tear down and I dont have the pressure I need out in the nursery. If its not one thing its another but we are horribly dry in wisconsin.
36 inches for your zone at this date is fantastic. Is the tree tube helping or is it something else?

I like my contraptions of a tree tube inside a quarter inch mesh cage on young trees and new grafts. The tree tubes are open to the north, probably half and half. I have shade, but the trees still harden off by winter.

With the north half only having screen, I can see if their are double leaders or if a nurse branch should be pinched off.

I cut my screen in 2 foot lengths and make a tube. I can reach down inside of these to pull weeds or pinch off a double leader.

Most often I plant these in their final location.Middle of the first summer, I put the deer fence around them. Middle of second summer, most have the contraptions pulled off and replaced with window screen.

Sorry for the long winded answer.

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These are not dolgo seedlings, but I have two open pollinated Kinderkrisp seedlings where I selected for bronze leaves.

The seeds were planted in the fall of 2019. Red fleshed apple trees nearby are Almata and Winter RedFlesh. Firecracker is a bit further away, as are Red Splendor.

I hope I am around long enough to see and taste the apples.

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This is from a Facebook fruit group. I wonder for the red stems that occasionally show up in dolgo seedlings trace back to Hansen.

Didn’t he do work with dolgo?

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Further discussion.

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