Range Therapy


5 year old buck +
As a former gun dealer and firearms trainer, one of the attractions to moving out of the city and into the county was the ability to target practice any time I wanted. Ironically, I have done very little shooting outside of sighting in my rifle and during hunting season since we move six years ago. Today I put up a 50 yard firearm range (distance from our porch) and a bow range. Both use dirt berms, and it was enjoyable to sip some ice tea and shot rounds with the .22.

Sadly, I ran out of time and inclination to get some bow time in, but it is nice to have the Morrell’s hung and ready to go!
My boys and I dug out the ballistics gel yesterday afternoon and plinked a bit in the backyard at 100 yds on steel then sent a couple rounds into the gel with a 22 then we grabbed an AR out of the truck and sent one of those into the gel just to compare wound channels. I love plinking at the house it makes for an enjoyable experience. Set up a nice bench area and it becomes even nicer to plink a bit. One of the guys at work was plinking a bit with his grandson a couple weeks ago using his portable shooting bench, shooting smarties candy at 50 yds.
Son in law is starting to see the light. He bought a hot rodded 10/22 and is plinking away.......

Did more shooting and hunting when I lived in NYC area for 7 years or so. Had a good stint of bird hunting until 2014, then got sick of ticks and picking briars.

Just love shooting irons, atleast for a few more years. Hunt with scope often though... Flintlock needs some attention.
Hoping to shoot tomorrow or the next day.
Son in law is starting to see the light. He bought a hot rodded 10/22 and is plinking away.......

Did more shooting and hunting when I lived in NYC area for 7 years or so. Had a good stint of bird hunting until 2014, then got sick of ticks and picking briars.

Just love shooting irons, atleast for a few more years. Hunt with scope often though... Flintlock needs some attention.
I picked up a Magnum Research 10/22 here a while ago it’s a pretty nice rifle.
I started as the bow guy and still spend more days in teh woods with a bow, but I've started to prefer a gun. Have really started enjoying reloading and chasing that perfect round. Last year I shot an antelope and mule deer with a bullet I made out of a gun I spent time shooting and getting my DOPE right on. That was really rewarding.

Problem is I have too many neighbors around to shoot how I'd like to.
I started as the bow guy and still spend more days in teh woods with a bow, but I've started to prefer a gun. Have really started enjoying reloading and chasing that perfect round. Last year I shot an antelope and mule deer with a bullet I made out of a gun I spent time shooting and getting my DOPE right on. That was really rewarding.

Problem is I have too many neighbors around to shoot how I'd like to.