Raintree nursery

Charles Clear

5 year old buck +
For those of you who have used Raintree, do you recommend them? I was looking at their late Pears and was pretty impressed by the selection.
I got some European Hazelnuts and a couple of grafted pawpaws from them. Never had any problems and all was as advertised for me.

PS: It looks like I'm going to see fruit from at least 3 or 4 pears for the first time this year that are advertised as late dropper. These are pears from the Wildlife Group - Gate, Mrs. Lanene, Hunter's Choice and Becton. All of them flowered this year. Will check them in a few days. I'm hoping for a severe fireblight outbreak so I can see how they handle it.....
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Other than a couple mislabeled trees, I've been satisfied with Raintree. Also happy with what I've gotten from Cummins and Stark.

I planted Gate and Ms Lanene from Wildlife Group this year(bare root)

How old are the ones you planted?


I planted Gate and Ms Lanene from Wildlife Group this year(bare root)

How old are the ones you planted?


Bill, they have been slow to bear but put on amazing vegetative growth. The Gate and Ms Lanene were planted in the spring of 14, and they are around 20 feet tall already. We had flowers for the first time last year, but had a late freeze that put a hurt on the fruiting. My first Becton was in the spring of 16 and it has flowered this year too.
Haha, looks like you found the Johantorp pears, on sale too. That nursery does seem to have a nice variety of things. I also see they have 144 apple bags for $12.50. Some guys were discussing those the other day.
Haha, looks like you found the Johantorp pears, on sale too. That nursery does seem to have a nice variety of things. I also see they have 144 apple bags for $12.50. Some guys were discussing those the other day.

Ha ha yep! Johantorp is why I ended up there, but see they have some other nice late pears too!
I planted some Wildlife Group pears this year. They came leafed out already. We had a hard frost and they all lost their leaves. Some grew them back. I'm hoping and waiting for the others to do the same. This is what I planted:

3 Gate Pears
4 Becton
4 Gallaway Pears
1 Kiefer
1 McKelvey
1 Arthur Ledbetter
1 Moonglow
1 Orient

1 unmarked (I ordered a Gilmore Christmas but got a Kiefer instead. I'm hoping this is a Gilmore Christmas but I don't know)
I planted some Wildlife Group pears this year. They came leafed out already. We had a hard frost and they all lost their leaves. Some grew them back. I'm hoping and waiting for the others to do the same. This is what I planted:

3 Gate Pears
4 Becton
4 Gallaway Pears
1 Kiefer
1 McKelvey
1 Arthur Ledbetter
1 Moonglow
1 Orient

1 unmarked (I ordered a Gilmore Christmas but got a Kiefer instead. I'm hoping this is a Gilmore Christmas but I don't know)

Oh I really like their selection as well. However, I placed an online order last year for the late peer package that never showed up. I called them with my order number and they had no records of my order. I was kind of turned off of the wildlife groyp
after that
I planted some Wildlife Group pears this year. They came leafed out already. We had a hard frost and they all lost their leaves. Some grew them back. I'm hoping and waiting for the others to do the same. This is what I planted:

3 Gate Pears
4 Becton
4 Gallaway Pears
1 Kiefer
1 McKelvey
1 Arthur Ledbetter
1 Moonglow
1 Orient

1 unmarked (I ordered a Gilmore Christmas but got a Kiefer instead. I'm hoping this is a Gilmore Christmas but I don't know)

Well pleased with my 30 tree package planted in january

i ,also, had 3 that were unmarked!!

Does anyone have experience with Raintree nursery or should I change the name of the thread to wildlifegroup? Lol
I got some rootstock from raintree last year. Not excellent quality but none died. They had stuff available late in the season (I think I ordered mid January) and are happy to fill small orders for 10 rootstock. I’d use them again if I didn’t have another/better option.