

5 year old buck +
After trapping over 80 coons last year on 20 acres, they are back after the chickens, garden and plants. Two are on our porch each night digging up my wife's plants. Glad the Wildlife Code of Missouri specifies that one may shoot or trap damage-causing raccoons out-of-season without a permit. (3 CSR 10-4.130 Owner May Protect Property; Public Safety of the Code).

Time to get the traps out again!

One down for the new season! Last year we trapped 82 raccoons and 12 possums from June 1 to May 31 on the 20 acres under habitat improvement, I was hoping the plague was over. However, they are showing up on our porch, chicken coop and barn cat areas, so the traps are back out.

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It’s crazy, they populate like rabbits but are huge pita!