Question on weight distribution

Alpha Doe

5 year old buck + it goes, hope I can explain this so you all can figure out what it is I'm trying to figure out. :confused:

WE were thinking about moving a Banks 4 man stump shooting blind across a bridge that would be pushing its limits on weight. So, I doubt we will do it...but we had a discussion and a question came up that we were trying to figure out.

We would use our smallish tractor with the front loader to carry the blind. We would use a counter weight on the back to even out the weight...counter weight is were our question is.

We would have the choice of using a tiller or a brushhog mower. The difference is the weight distribution of the two implements. The tiller is short and sits right behind the tractor...the brushhog is longer and sticks back further than the tiller.

I believe that the weight of each of these implements is still resting on the back tires of the tractor. Does it matter if one is longer than the other?

Say both the mower and tiller each weigh 800 lbs, say the blind weighs 500 lbs, say the driver of the tractor weighs 200 lbs, the tractor weighs 2000 lbs, say we are going across a bridge that holds 4000 lbs.

My question is...what implement would be a better counter weight? Even though one is longer than the other, does the tiller and the mower weigh the same for use as a counter and is that weight distributed mostly on the back tires? The bridge is just long enough to hold the whole tractor at one point...but at mid point the back tires are still on solid ground.
The length will make a difference. Think of it this way. Two people, are on a see saw and one ways significantly more than the other. If the heavier person slides towards the middle(fulcrum) they begin to balance better than if both were the same distance from the fulcrum. The balance depends on weight and the distance from the fulcrum.

Search for the term "moment arm" and I think you find a better explanation than my see saw. I have not had a engineering course in 20 years but I think the term moment is correct.
But will the weight be heavier at the tires?
The further way from the tires you move the weight the more of a load the tire will need to carry. It would be like picking up a 20 lb's up close to your chest. But try picking up the same 20 lb's with your arm straight. The weight is the same but it takes more to lift it. If nothing else we have you totally confused now.
The weight of the total package will be spread amongst the 4 tires. The distance the implement sticks off the back of the tractor changes how that weight is distributed between the front and rear tires. Longer implement means more weight on the back.
If the mower and tiller weigh the same , then the mower will balance the blind in the bucket better being that it sticks out farther to the rear of tractor.
ok so does a tractor carry more weight on the front axle than the back since the engine is up front?

I have the weights of the implements the tiller is 795 lbs the brushhog is 636 lbs and the banks blind is 370 lbs.
Can you put the blind on a hay wagon or set or running gear instead? That is how we move ours as we have no loader.
Just pick up the blind with the loader, and see how it goes. If you are worried about weight, I'd be worried about the loader just being able to pick it up. If it can pick it up, you will be fine on a decnt road. I have a hard time believing that blind is going to pick up the back wheels of you tractor. If it does, your loader won't lift it anyway.
I agree with dipper. A 2000 tractor shoul dnot have an issue with a 400lb blind. Most tractor loaders (unless modified) will not have the lifting power to pickup the rear of the tractor. If you are worried about the combined weight essentially build a wood sled to put your blind on and tow it across thus removing the 600 lbs of counter weight. You can also consier bringing the blind to the bridge/drive the tracotr only across - then pull the blind across.
It takes a lot to flip a tractor forward, backwards and to the side are much easier. Especially if the weights in front
This calculation is really easy for me. I figure out how much overweight the load is as opposed to the bridge. Then I assess the height of the bridge off the ground and what will happen if it falls. Then I adjust my speed accordingly! Once over there is a great feeling of relief.
This calculation is really easy for me. I figure out how much overweight the load is as opposed to the bridge. Then I assess the height of the bridge off the ground and what will happen if it falls. Then I adjust my speed accordingly! Once over there is a great feeling of relief.

If my calculations are correct...2 High should get me enough speed to land safely on the other side.
The blind is just soooo tall...Im thinking about taking it apart to move it. The top half comes off. My hubby thinks I'm a wimp, but Im the one driving. Easy to yell "jump off" from the ground. :eek:
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I'd slowly lay it down on a trailer. Drive thick rebar in the ground opposite the tractor side about 15 feet from the stand. Then attach 2 inch (or more) straps to the bottom legs and rebar again Opposite the tractor bucket. Cable or chain the stand to the bucket. Once you get the stand tipping you can slowly lower it as the straps won't let the bottom kick out.

On second thought that sounds like work. I would probably just use 2inch ratchet straps to strap the legs to my FEL lower to the ground so I wasn't driving with my bucket way up in the air.

Going across the bridge is going to cause pucker factor for sure.
Buy a second blind? Shhh! Two is plenty...we don't need another! That would be another headache waiting to happen.

Thanks for all the info and suggestions...I keep everyone posted as to what we do and how we do it. No videos will be involved though!
We put skids on our tower stands when we are moving them on the same property. Works slick however we are pretty level with very small hills.