question for Castaneaphiles


5 year old buck +
IMG_0375.jpgIMG_0376.jpgIMG_0377.jpgAnyone know what these white spots/blotches are ? ?mildew ?Rx


That's one I haven't seen before.
It looks like it is possibly powdery mildew. I have never had it, but I have heard that milk can prevent it and possibly treat it.
The powdery mildew that I've seen is kind of fuzzy. Bill described them as spots. I can't see if they are fuzzy from the pics.
Attached is a photo of an oak tree with powdery mildew (not very clear); not to treat your question lightly, but if you stripped the leaves off the trunks, it'd look a lot like a caesar salad.
It's not something I have seen before; however, I suspect it is a type of fungus. For example ....
"Chestnut trees suffer from several fungal diseases that attack the leaves. Leaf spot disease (Mycosphaerella maculiformis) initially appears as small white spots that turn
dark brown and enlarge as the disease progresses. ... Severe leaf blotch infections can cause premature leaf drop."

powdery mildew on CS col oak  2017.jpg
I dusted them with Lily Miller sulfur dust

lotta rain,heat,high humidity here .....seemed appropriate given substrate conducive to fungus
