Pumpkins getting eaten before producing


5 year old buck +
I planted about 5 Japanese pumpkin plants last year, and they all got eaten. This year, I planted all the seeds from the pumpkins I ate last fall. Every single one of them got nipped off, and they are right next to my back lawn.

Is this normal? Do the people planting pumpkins put up a fence until the fruits are ripe?

I think they ate over 50 plants.
Yes, deer can browse them heavy. You can try and sprinkle cayene on them, that's what we did in our garden.
I planted them in plots for deer several years ago. I had a hundred pumpkins the first year. The second year they started working on the vines, long before they fruited. Gave it a break for a few years and am trying again this year. They haven't killed them yet.
I'll try the cayenne. Might be too late, but here's hoping.