Poisen ivy treatments?

Do they have poison ivy too????:D
they must be hammering the PI even harder....because i have never seen any around the yard...thank god...lol!

All i know is that PI must have enough regional variation in it that PI in some places cause me to get serious rashes and in others i can roll around in it with no rash. I grew up in central PA and i used to never get any reaction from PI...even though friends of mine would break out. then we moved to northern NJ and if i even made eye contact with the stuff i would get it bad! Then we moved to central MA...and I would get a rash but it wasnt nearly as bad and it would go away quickly. Then when i lived on eastern Long Island in NY i used to work in and around it frequently and I would very rarely get a rash and it wouldnt last long at all. Who knows...it could also be tied to body chemistry as well. From the ages of 13-18 i would get harsh reactions, but from ages 21 thru present i rarely get a rash if any at all.