Poisen ivy treatments?


ok - I got into some poisen ivy over the weekend. What do you guys do to combat it?
Fels Naptha soap to treat the skin or did you mean to kill the plant.
I mean on me! My youngest over-heard my complIning about it - and thought I meant the plant. She said,"dad - just spray it with round-up like you do everything else!" Well obviously I was in a little different frame of mind and I had this image cross my mind of me getting doused with a sprayer!!!! We all got a good laugh.
If you JUST got it, (i.e. it's not itching yet) I always use dish soap and cold water. Even better if you have one of those "Lava" bars for getting grease off.

If you already itch, I'm no help. I always end up getting poison sumac when I'm frolicking in the swamp! A few years ago my boot stuck in the muck, and I fell onto my knee, I must have gotten the oil on my pants at some point, because in a week my knee was, literally, the size of a volleyball. It was a rough summer, as I cut just above my knee with my chainsaw a week later. Just my luck my college ball coach decided to start fall ball early that year. Catching wasn't the most enjoyable thing for the following weeks!
Not supposed to do it - but I rub the affected areas with gasoline to get all the oil off. Only thing that I have found that completely dries it out for me.
Not supposed to do it - but I rub the affected areas with gasoline to get all the oil off. Only thing that I have found that completely dries it out for me.

Have you ever tried rubbing alcohol? I'd think that be a "safer" solvent to use. I've heard of people buy EtOH to use in "emergency kits".

Actually, J-bird, I did you rubbing alcohol a few years ago, and it seemed to do the trick. I got a bit itchy and a few blisters, but it wasn't bad at all.
A friend of mine who gets it badly says nothing works for him as well as Jewelweed. You break the stems and rub on the gooey sap. I've heard other people say the same thing.

Good luck with it.
Have you ever tried rubbing alcohol? I'd think that be a "safer" solvent to use.

Yes - rubbing alcohol works too. I happen to be one of those people that seems to look at poison ivy and I catch it. I don't carry rubbing alcohol with me when out in the woods but always have a can of gasoline in the vehicle or close by.
I get it bad too and there isn't much you can do once it sets in. Running it under hot water feels incredible and relieves the itch but I don't think it's recommended. Hydrocortisone cream is about the best thing I've found short of doctor visits for prednisone and/or a stronger cream.

Here's a good video on how to keep from getting it.
I know benedryl or other allergy medications are a really good thing to take for poison ivy treatment.
As soon as I was done cutting - I hopped in the shower and scrubbed up real good - almost as good as for "date night"! I still got it in a few places, nothing to drive me crazy, just thought there may be something out there I haven't tried. I have used gas before as well - good thing I don't smoke! I'm using the "normal" stuff to control the itch for now.

My daughter said she saw on a TV show to use vodka - I went to the cabinet, broke out the 'mater juice and vodka and made me a drink! It didn't help the itch, but I didn't seem to care as much either......so I guess vodka works!!!! My wife asked what I was doing - I told her I was treating my ivy issue like my daughter claimed would help. I told her I thought it may take a few doses - I just got that disgusted look.......again!
jewel weed. find it and rub it on the area. done..

I love Jim's video. I haven't had poison ivy in years since following the scrub method. I work in the woods than I scrub like I am going into surgery!
I'll go looking for jewel weed and find - nettles!!! It isn't bad I'll try to find out what jewel weed looks like and try that.
I'll go looking for jewel weed and find - nettles!!! It isn't bad I'll try to find out what jewel weed looks like and try that.

J, I would post a pic but I'm away from home and for some strange reason my Photobucket logged me out and I don't have the password with me. But, you can find plenty of Internet Pics. Look for it along branches and in low spots in sun to part shade where the soil is rich. It would likely be blooming in your area right now, but it could be a little early that far north.
That works well and I've had friends who've used sweet fern leaves.

The guy I'm talking about goes out in the summer and gathers it and freezes it so he will have it in the winter. He is a believer for sure.
Oh! I know I have some of that floating around - I never knew what it was.