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PM glyphosate usage


5 year old buck +
It is almost 5 in the afternoon and it's cloudy so that's the two things against me but if I don't spray today it looks like I'm waiting 8 more days.
Has anyone experienced poor results spraying late in the day with clouds. Thanks
Go spray now!
I try not to spray unless I’m confident that I will not get rain the same day. No evidence to back my theory though

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I have sprayed by headlights at night and got an ok kill. Sometimes you have to take a chance. I would spray today!
For most glyphosate, an hour of dry time is sufficient. More is always better but if your on the east coast right now, if you get a break in the rain, you better get spraying.
The only thing I ever worry about when spraying GLY is if rain is closer than an hour.

You wait another 8 days and that is another 8 days of weed seed development.
This!!! ^^^
I spray when I can, sometimes that's in the evening and I still get a good kill. Idealy a cool dewy morning is best, but you can have everything
Idealy a cool dewy morning is best
Contrary to my understanding. Dew dilutes and causes product to run off.
It is almost 5 in the afternoon and it's cloudy so that's the two things against me
Why is that? Most of the time I am spraying after work, evening, 6-8pm. I prefer evenings (or mornings) because there is usually less wind.
Has anyone experienced poor results spraying late in the day with clouds. Thanks
Never. Spray with temperatures between 55F -85F. If the grass/weeds are green and growing they can be killed with gly.
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Contrary to my understanding. Dew dilutes and causes product to run off.
That is when the pores in the plants are the most open and receptive to intake moisture. When the leaves are dry the pores are closed or less open and are not actively taking in moisture.
High humidity is certainly good for translocation and absorption. I prefer to spray just after dew has dried off. Only moisture I want on the leaf is herbicide.
Definitely some grey areas. Generally speaking it's probably better to spray rup after the morning dew dries and before evening dew forms. That's not to say you still can't get a good kill though. And a small dew is probably better than a dripping wet dew. May want to buy name brand Powermax instead of generics if this is going to be the case. I've also known people to finish up fields in a hard rain and still get an even kill across the entire field.
I have sprayed gly and 10 minutes later it rained pretty heavy. I still got a decent kill.
Between morning dew and midday-afternoon winds I always seem to have such a small window to spray. Looks like I may start spraying over the morning dew.
They pull in the "moisture" much quicker than you think. Many misconceptions out there. Same with trees and killing them off when the roots are pulling all the resources back down for dormancy over winter.

I watched a video somewhere or another on tree in the spring where they were wondering how long it would take for something injected to reach the roots. There was a cave underground with tree roots visible above. I dont remember 100 percent how long it took for the dye to show up but I am certain it was either 90 sec or 3 min. Ether way it was much faster than you would think.
A plant senescing, or preparing for dormancy is a little different than a rapidly growing plant which is what we should be attempting to control with spraying. Transpiration, what an actively growing plant does, is going the other way. Dew in and of itself doesn't appear to negatively affect herbicide effectiveness. Hard to argue that it doesn't dilute your product. Many times the max rate is suggested when spraying hard to control weeds, it's that point that causes me to spray when the leaves are dry. Kind of like "the best time to prune is when the shears are sharp." If you have to spray and your time is limited , then spray when you can. There is evidence to support that night spraying herbicides can be more effective than daytime spraying. I miss enough spots in the daylight!?
I'm sticking with spraying over dewy plants when I can. I like to listen to the guys with boots on the ground, farmers with real life experience over what a book may say. 2 of my good buddies have farmed more than 40 years each, they say spray on a dewy cool morning when the plants pores are wide open taking in the most moisture if you can.
I'm sticking with spraying over dewy plants when I can. I like to listen to the guys with boots on the ground, farmers with real life experience over what a book may say. 2 of my good buddies have farmed more than 40 years each, they say spray on a dewy cool morning when the plants pores are wide open taking in the most moisture if you can.

I’ve also heard people talking about using the dew to get better coverage. You’re not really diluting the chemical unless your spray volume causes runoff from the plants since you are still applying the same amount of active ingredient per acre.

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One "drop" of gly at 1% concentration lands on a leaf with 1 "drop" of dew on it means you are effectively spraying at 1/2%. Same units of herbicide per acre yes but at half the concentration. Some hard to kill weeds require less gallons of water per unit of herbicide. Do what works for you is good advise. Make sure you read the "book" attached to the herbicide-it's the law.
These guys might qualify as "real" farmers
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