Plant ID

Sorry for the delay responding, been off-line :)

bueller, I'm in NE KS. I understand there may be a difference due to hardiness zones, but I think it's just as hardy up north:(

sandbur & Stu, valid points worth considering! I have not seen that plant pic, sandbur.

SD, fire topkills the honeysuckle, but it comes right back. Haven't tried repeated burns because I'm trying to save the oak seedlings that also get topkilled.

Thanks all for considering a different viewpoint :)
kskid, the last paragraph of your earlier post strikes home with me. I have a treestand in an area where oak wilt is progressing each year. When I sit in that stand it kills me to see new trees that have died within the past year, and to look at others knowing there time is running out.

The honeysuckle are individual shrubs and are nowhere near a monoculture by me. But they make berries every year so that seed has got to be going somewhere. I'd hate for it to get past the point where it is easily controllable and regret the days like now that I should've done something. I plan to start taking the easy ones out maybe next year.
Haven't seen the oak wilt down here yet, but I only have a few mature oaks on my place - mostly volunteer hedge, locust, elm. I've planted a couple hundred white oaks and worked around every volunteer oak I've come across. I might have to throw in the towel if they all start dying....:(