Picked up a spreader


5 year old buck +
I found this spreader. Really nice shape and at a nice price. I've been looking for one of these for a while and I'm happy to have found this one!

Plan to seed with it or just fertilizer? Nice prices are always nice.
Mostly fertilizer and pellet lime. I've tried both of those with my earthway handheld before and its not fun. I might broadcast some corn with it too.
I'm looking at buying one of those for the same. Fertilizer, lime, oats etc. For those of you that have these, is there a way to reduce the spread pattern. Lets say I want to fertilize a food plot screen that is only 12-15 foot wide, and don't want to broadcast over a 30-40 foot wide pattern..
Turn down the throttle speed

I bought one last year. What a time saver versus using my old Agri Fab ATV pull spreader!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy I got it.

Kinda sucks though. It goes so quick. I get to use it a total of about 30 minutes a year max. HAAAA
I just put down about 10 bags of pell-lime on some new plots and trails. Used a spreader just like that shown. Normally I put-down ah-lime....but these are small areas and I don't need to put down extensive lime. I want to get the PH up on the trails to grow better clovers.

Filled the hopper twice and the job was over in short order. The trail areas were not very wide......so I lower the spreader and throttled back to low RPM and kept my travel speed fairly fast. In more open areas I put the spreader high.....red line the PTO.....travel more slowly.....and let 'er fly. As BLB says.....the jobs don't take long with these spreaders.
Its on the list of needs. Nice job.