Persimmons are tough trees


5 year old buck +
I have a lot of persimmons naturally on my place but I also planted and tubed about 50 seedlings in a much larger planting last year. We had a summer drought last year and a spring drought this year and those seedlings persimmons are growing quite well in the tubes they are simply tough trees that require no care. I know others on this site have said as much but I think it with reiterating the fact that they are very good wildlife trees to have if you can grow them in you zone.
I have hundreds of native persimmon. Problem is, 90% are male. I wish I was a grafting expert. Our persimmons. Coons and possums get most of the persimmons. Those few that hit the ground become feral hog food. But, they are tough. We had a four month period last summer with 2.5 in rain and I never found a dead persimmon. They can take months of flood water. They are one of three trees which are first to colonize my calcareous soil prairie.

I have a couple Fuyu persimmons and they seem susceptible to everything
They are tough little mothers! I bought a bundle of 10 from MDC and planted the six best trees in spring of 22. I planted those in the orchard to be grafted to asians or hybrids later. Year number two of drought, this year being far worse than last, rain shut off in march. Compared to the m111 and OHXF 333 planted at the same time they have suffered the least. My property is tiny at only 14 acres, it is possible there is over 200 persimmon trees on it. Like SwampCat at least 90 percent are male. 20230709_145607_HDR.jpg20230709_145549.jpg
I have hundreds of native persimmon. Problem is, 90% are male. I wish I was a grafting expert. Our persimmons. Coons and possums get most of the persimmons. Those few that hit the ground become feral hog food. But, they are tough. We had a four month period last summer with 2.5 in rain and I never found a dead persimmon. They can take months of flood water. They are one of three trees which are first to colonize my calcareous soil prairie.

I have a couple Fuyu persimmons and they seem susceptible to everything

Grafting persimmons is super easy they were the first tree that I grafted and have had a very high success rate.

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Grafting persimmons is super easy they were the first tree that I grafted and have had a very high success rate.

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I tried one year with no success. May give it another try this next year.
I tried one year with no success. May give it another try this next year.

Did the scion not take or not bud out? I use a little different supplies toilet bowl wax and electrical tape but the method is the same. I make one cut with a sharp grafting knife to get a straight cut instead off whittling it down but the end result is the same.

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Did the scion not take or not bud out? I use a little different supplies toilet bowl wax and electrical tape but the method is the same. I make one cut with a sharp grafting knife to get a straight cut instead off whittling it down but the end result is the same.

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Five or six never budded out. Had one that that budded out - two years in a row - but never grew and inch. Died off sometime second year.
My property is the opposite I’ve got an overly high female persimmon tree population it seems like anyway. Wonder what the determining factors are as to why the seeds produce male or female trees??
I would guess it is natures way of ensuring the females get pollinated. If memory serves, Persimmons have a heavy pollen and people used to put roadkill in the trees so flies would ensure pollination.

I have not had much success with Persimmons, I planted 3 different times from 3 different sources (the last from Blue Hill) and haven't had much luck. I baby the damn things too, reallllllly want to eat a Persimmon one day. My Dad told me about the fruit when I was a kid from his time on Military bases down south.
They are very tough trees! I planted some seedlings from MDC and a Prok from Stark Brothers that both have fruit this year. I think they are 3 years old. I’m super excited


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I would guess it is natures way of ensuring the females get pollinated. If memory serves, Persimmons have a heavy pollen and people used to put roadkill in the trees so flies would ensure pollination.

I have not had much success with Persimmons, I planted 3 different times from 3 different sources (the last from Blue Hill) and haven't had much luck. I baby the damn things too, reallllllly want to eat a Persimmon one day. My Dad told me about the fruit when I was a kid from his time on Military bases down south.
About 20 years ago, my 12 yr old daughter, 17 yr old son, and myself were deer hunting - accessing the hunting land by boat. We were boating along at noon going to a different spot and came upon a persimmon loaded with fruit. My daughter asked what they were. My son picked some - all less than ripe - told my daughter they were the best fruit she will ever eat. My daughter wore braces at the time and took a bite our of a semi green persimmon. Because of those braces, she said she could still taste it the next dqy. To this day, 20 years later, she still fuzzes up pretty good when we bring that up. You could not pay her enough money to try another.
I shot a coyote in the guts with a 275 grain bullet leaving at 3,000 fps. He had been eating persimmons. After seeing the carnage, It took me 2 years before I could eat one again.
I shot a coyote in the guts with a 275 grain bullet leaving at 3,000 fps. He had been eating persimmons. After seeing the carnage, It took me 2 years before I could eat one again.
375 h&h?
I'd never call a persimmon a tough tree. We had 3 mature Persimmon trees in the front yard and the slightest wind storm I'd have to rake twigs and pick up branches for hours. A Tornado came though last year and leveled them....They are a GREAT food plot tree, but you definitely don't want them in your yard....stick with pears or apples lol

I was not suggesting they are great yard trees but pretty care free wildlife trees.
I can’t them buggers to grow at all.