Pears and flood water

Going back under water. This time higher
Flooded again and higher. At least the fishing is good.20190525_133721.jpg20190525_131425.jpg20190525_125301.jpg20190525_141225.jpg
I wish I could get to slow enough water to fish in,I spent some time this afternoon working tubes on some oaks in 6 inches of water.We are set to get some more tonight west of you.Something like 24 inches in last couple weeks
I wish I could get to slow enough water to fish in,I spent some time this afternoon working tubes on some oaks in 6 inches of water.We are set to get some more tonight west of you.Something like 24 inches in last couple weeks
Last night was crazy. We got 3.1" but 2" of that came in 25 minutes. I was trying to drive home from work and saw water places I have never seen it before. We have been saturated for weeks with more coming.
Still can't get to all of them however of the 3 I can get near 2 are still alive. One that was completely overtopped looks to be alive. 2 more I cant get to yet.
Put on waders. All but one that overtopped and were under for a month have green leaves. I guess that means they are going to make it?
Finally able to reach the final one. It is toast.
I'm amazed that those pears will make it after being submerged that long.
Going back under again