Pears and flood water


5 year old buck +
How well do pears recover from being flooded for an extended period
Mature trees are tougher than younger ones. Pears don't like wet feet. Good luck.
Been there

learned the hard way that baby fruit trees don't do well in creek bottoms that flood

Mayhaw is the only baby fruit tree that survives in my creek bottom

This type of event doesnt happen often. Lake is 25 ft high and climbing.
Mine aren't that bad, but it's been an extremely wet spring here too. I'm afraid of loosing a couple of expensive ones.
Probably depends on how fast it drains.
That can't be good.
Just got back up from fishing down there. Water still coming up.20190511_155324.jpg20190511_154716.jpg
If it isn’t too much water, it is too little water. Hopefully they will be ok. Looks like you caught a gaspergou.
If it isn’t too much water, it is too little water. Hopefully they will be ok. Looks like you caught a gaspergou.
Never heard drum called that.
That is what they call freshwater drum in Louisiana. Were you trying to catch one or is that just what bit the hook?
Just what bit. I am not too particular.
Well water level is dropping. Most of the trees I planted down there whether they were oaks or pears were completely overtopped. At the rate it is dropping water level will be on them a week I am guessing assuming no more big rains. We will have to wait till it dries out a little and see whats left. I have a bad feeling I lost a lot of trees.
I wish you best of luck. Hope they make it
Yikes! I hope they make it!
Sheesh thats a lot of water, I wouldn't feel to confident of taking anything but a bath on those trees.....
What do you think. Look better than I imagined still one I cant get to. Oaks appear to have taken it on the chin.
I planted 3 chestnut and 2 burr oak in standing water this past season. No choice. Was going out of town soon. I live in Texas. Place is normally drier or at least damp. Every shovel full was half dirt and half water. 10-14 inches tall when planted. Planted them in 4ft tubes. All of them are at tube height. One is peaking out a little. Thought they were doomed at planting. I think they yours will be fine.
Ive used those "sticks" for holding on tubes, didn't do any good. Bamboo too, now its pvc.