Pear rootstock?


5 year old buck +
is the pear rootstock Pyrus calleryana a good one for the northeast zone 5
It can be. Are yours wild? Purchased? Home grown?
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It can be. Are your wild? Purchased? Home grown?
This would be purchased Kiefer..I was comparing to Old Holme X farm97
I would definitely go with the OHxF97. I have read a lot about using callery seedlings for rootstock and have decided to abandon the idea. I'll still topwork the existing callery trees, but i won't plant any seeds to use as rootstock. People have reported a lot of problems with callery rootstock because of the genetic diversity. If they're open polinated, they could be crossed with something else. Comaptibility and vigor have been problems for a lot of people. With OHxF97, you know what you are getting, and it is likely superior to any callery rootstock.
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I'd go with OHxF if buying grafted trees.
I did that^^^^^^^ with 12 varieties of bare root pears

All were J rooted when they arrived

Does this matter? I was told that this is common with OHxF97

OHxF97 are rooted hardwood cuttings. They don't have a taproot that could J. But if the roots look like they will girdle the tree, I would prune to correct that at planting.