Ordering Trees and Shrubs


5 year old buck +
I was reading the thread regarding ordering trees and shrubs for 2017. Where are you guys getting these from? I am in Pennsylvania. The amount of things some of you guys are ordering seems like it would cost a fortune. Where are you guys getting this stuff reasonably priced and how big are the trees when ordered? I am looking to add some fruit trees and shrubs. Where are you getting the supplies to protect the tree until it is mature enough to fend off critters?
Ben Medows is a good place for supplies. http://www.benmeadows.com/

MDC nursery is a state run nursery but they will sell to out of state customers https://mdc.mo.gov/trees-plants/tree-seedlings/order-seedlings others will chime in with more options.

Also the owner this site sells live stake cuttings. Not rooted seedlings but cuttings that will root when you poke them in the ground. http://www.bigrocktrees.com/
I was reading the thread regarding ordering trees and shrubs for 2017. Where are you guys getting these from? I am in Pennsylvania. The amount of things some of you guys are ordering seems like it would cost a fortune. Where are you guys getting this stuff reasonably priced and how big are the trees when ordered? I am looking to add some fruit trees and shrubs. Where are you getting the supplies to protect the tree until it is mature enough to fend off critters?

Before I started with trees and shrubs, I worked on establishing objectives. In my case, those objectives led to a plan that requires a high volume of trees. So, I invested up front in some indoor grow rooms and buying root pruning containers. I find growing them from nuts and seeds and grafting to both seedlings and clonal rootstock a fun cabin fever project in the winter with a much lower cost per tree result.

I have purchased a few trees I could not directly grow myself. I purchased a few tigertooth jujube grown on their own roots from Just Fruits and Exotics in FL to experiment with and have been propagating them from root cuttings. I purchased a couple patented AU Buck chestnuts from the Wildlife Group and I'll be starting some seedlings from nuts from those trees this winter. I tried ordering Seguin nuts from China but they all ended up moldy and none germinated. So, I just ordered a few Seguin seedlings from the Wildlife Group. I'll collect nuts from them when they produce as well to start more seedlings. I have a couple threads on growing apples from seed that shows my approach for apples.

As for protection, the amount and type required seems to vary from place to place and tree species to tree species. Some require no protection on my place, some need tubes, and for pome I use cement wire (remesh) cages.

First, assess what you have and see if you can improve it. My biggest bang for the buck was finding native persimmon trees growing on my farm. I cut down male trees and grafted female scions to them. The scions were collected from my local female trees, traded with others, and purchased from named commercial varieties. For very little money, I was able to get the first persimmons in the third leaf after grafting on some trees and in the second leaf on one tree. While persimmons may or my not be a fit for you, the underlying principle is to assess the trees you have and see if grafting or simply releasing them could improve production.

There are lots of strategies folks use from direct seeding to transplanting large trees with a tree spade. You will find lots of good information searching these forums.


Nrowles - My camp is in N.C. Pa. and we've been getting our evergreen seedlings from Flickinger's Nursery out of Sagamore, Pa. (800) 368-7381. flicknursery.com The spruce and fir are about 18" to 2 ft. bare root seedlings. 100 seedlings is $60 to $75 here, depending on variety.

The Pennsylvania Game Commission's Howard Nursery sells fairly cheap seedlings that can be shipped to your home. Their on-line catalog becomes available in January - usually the 1st week. We've bought many seedlings from them over the years. These are usually between 8" and 2 ft. seedlings.

We get our apple and crabapple trees from Cummins Nursery, Adams County Nursery, St. Lawrence Nursery. These fruit trees are generally 4 to 5 ft. tall bare root trees. Cummins and St. Lawrence are in N.Y. - Adams County is in Adams County, Pa. These trees run from about $23 to $29 per tree. They're not seedlings, but grafted varieties on good rootstocks.

MDC ( Missouri Dept. of Conservation ) is a good source for various seedlings and is also reasonably priced. Many varieties.

If you want the best selections, you want to order in the fall for the following spring. Things sell out. I ordered 3 weeks ago from Flickinger's ( they still have much stock left ), and Cummins and Adams County have good selections yet.
I was reading the thread regarding ordering trees and shrubs for 2017. Where are you guys getting these from? I am in Pennsylvania. The amount of things some of you guys are ordering seems like it would cost a fortune. Where are you guys getting this stuff reasonably priced and how big are the trees when ordered? I am looking to add some fruit trees and shrubs. Where are you getting the supplies to protect the tree until it is mature enough to fend off critters?

I would first check with your state DNR or Forestry dept. They sell them directly from state nurseries. You usually have to purchase in higher quantities (100-500), but the prices can be a 1/3 of what you pay at private nurseries. They are generally 3 yo seedlings and you can also cull undesirable stock.

I would also check your county land & water dept. Ours has a pretty good selection at very good prices.
I have ordered many places but for seedlings MDC is by far the best. They damn near send you full grown trees. Order quick though I put my order in last week and they were out of a few things I wanted.
I've always been happy with Woodstock Nursery in Wi although most of their trees are m7 rootstock. Anyone know where I can get apple trees b118 in Wi?
PA Game Commission are very affordable for you but not the largest trees. http://www.pgc.pa.gov/InformationResources/GetInvolved/HowardNursery/Pages/TreeSeedlingIndex.aspx is a link to there listing last year. What they have varies some from year to year and there are usually some variety packages that are not shown. You get a price break for ordering 300 trees and that is your cheapest shipping cost. But it is not a deal if you can't protect what you plant.

I have also bought trees from Missouri MDC and New Hampshire state nursery and had shipped to PA. They have some different stuff I can use and the trees are nicer sized. MDC is a good value. NH is a bit more expensive but I have ordered things I could not get elsewhere.
Wildlife Group
Turkey Creek Trees
Burnt Ridge Nursery
Thanks for the input. I suppose with how impatient I am, I was looking at trees a bit more mature and that's why I thought it would cost so much. Also, I never thought about it before, but I had no idea that 100 trees would only cover about a 1/4 acre.
It really depends on the type of tree. You can get a lot of dwarf apples in 1/4 acre. If you are planting full size chestnuts and don't want to cull or have crown interference, you'll get a lot fewer trees in 1/4 acre.
Does Minnesota offer trees for sale? Specifically looking for fruit trees.
Does Minnesota offer trees for sale? Specifically looking for fruit trees.

If you want a cold hardy tree, consider common wild apple plugs (from U of Idaho Nursery) Nothing fancy, but they are only like $2-3 each, and they will be out of the tube, or cage in one year. Guessing fruit in 6-10 years.
I had good luck with chinese chestnut seedlings from howard nursery last spring, the only one that died was the one i didnt cage, and the deer ate it.
This is my best one.
At planting

Early fall.

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If you want a cold hardy tree, consider common wild apple plugs (from U of Idaho Nursery) Nothing fancy, but they are only like $2-3 each, and they will be out of the tube, or cage in one year. Guessing fruit in 6-10 years.

Did you plant them in the far north of Minnesota... where Powder is located?
Maybe check with a certified forester. We get Norway spruce from the forester who helped us with logging and we can get them for either 30 cents or 60 cents depending on how big of a root system we want.
Did you plant them in the far north of Minnesota... where Powder is located?

Yes, far NW corner of MN. Kittson County
Yes, far NW corner of MN. Kittson County

What kind of apple do they produce? How abundant? What size?
Going by conversations with others, but medium sized apples, meant for wildlife mainly, not human consumption.

Ive planted quite a few and they almost all survive.
Cage or tube... Then remove tube after 2-3 years... Cage.image.jpeg
Nrowles, post #11 - Number of trees per acre depends on a couple things - the type of tree you're planting and the goal you're trying to accomplish. The 100 trees per 1/4 acre is dense planting for many trees. The guidelines given by evergreen nurseries are based on commercial Christmas tree propagation for quick, dense, efficient use of acreage. They plant in a grid pattern vs. random scattering of evergreens such as you would find in nature. A wildlife habitat guy might plant that densely for bedding / thermal cover, but as the trees get bigger, they may have to be thinned to avoid thin branching / crowding.

Apple and crabapple trees for wildlife habitat usually are planted on rootstocks that will grow a larger tree to get limbs above deer damage height. Recommended spacing for those size trees is typically 20 to 25 ft. between trees. If in doubt about planting density, talk to a local forester and explain your goals and they will give good advice. I've spoken to our Pa. state foresters ( DNR ) several times regarding my camp's goals and they've been very helpful. They've offered to come out to look the property over and make recommendations. Can't beat that.

Where are you located in Central Pa. ??