Old Apple trees

Thanks H20fwler. I looked at the tree again today and sketched out what I think the fix will look like after the snow melts, allowing me to actually implement the fix. The brace will go right at the weight balance point of the crown, so I don't think I'll need to cut any of it back after all. There's another 8-11" of snow forecast tonight, so it is going to be awhile before I can brace my standards.

By the way, in case anybody else has this problem on sand, I thought I'd mention that I planted trees on M111 right next to these, and none of those have leaned.
^^^^ Interesting observation on the MM-111 comparison. Are the MM-11 trees the same age / in the ground as the leaners ??
I planted a row of M-111 next to the two rows of standards the following year, and then another row of M-111 next to that one the year after that. The ground is the same, though the M-111 rows receive more sunshine than the standard rows do. Very little grows on the soil in between the M-111 rows. There are always fresh coyote holes and turkey dusting sites among the M-111's every year. The crowns on the standards are 14'-16' across. The crowns on the M-111 are 8'-10' across. Right next to those, I had to cut down a grove of 40 year old (+/-) Jack Pine some years ago, because they were falling over. They had reseeded heavily and the pine regrowth on that side of the apple trees is nearly impenetrable now.