Odd rare jobs you've done in your life

My part time job is my favorite.

Social media advocate for Calcium Products Inc. Also do some writing for MK Minerals.

Most fun I've ever had.
I've polish stainless on 18 wheelers, been a deckhand, cleaned up environmental spills, been a soil sampler for the extension service, now sit behinde a desk.... life is funny.
The best part time job I ever had was when I was 19-20 yrs old I got hired as security for a big theater that held concerts. My job was back stage to watch the back doors while the bands unloaded their equipment and to watch all of it during the concert. My first concert was Humble Pie, a British rock band. It was great. They told me in no uncertain terms to protect their ice chest and keep all the roadie’s out of it. So I had to take a peek to see what was in it. It was full of Lowenbrau beer.
Later on we had David Allen Coe in concert. I was working the back door and all the equipment was inside being set up. Someone starts pounding on the door, I open it and there is David Allen Coe standing there with a whole group of bikers and scantily clad women. He says let me in son. Well I wasn’t supposed to let anybody except the band in but I’m no fool. I open the door and said come on in. That was one crazy bunch of people. It was a blast.