I've had some sawtooth oaks in for 15 to 20 years or so. They seem to grow ok, but I've yet to see an acorn. I'm in zone 5a (NY State) which I think is at the northern end of their range. Luckily, I did not go overboard, so it's fun to keep an eye on them, but don't have high expectations. Probably better suited to the southeast than the northeast.
I guess I'm spoiled living in Missouri and spending all of my hunting life in the Missouri hardwoods where oaks are the dominant tree in the forest. White Oaks and Red/black oaks are everywhere. Nothing draws deer around me like a good producing white oak. Bear in mind though that if you're playing Red and White oaks you're probably plenty for the next generation of hunters before they produce anything of volume. I'm sure there are other options that will produce more quickly for you than that.
Any updates? I’m looking hard at some Schuette’s for next year, already have a decent number of standard white and red oaks.
Any updates? I’m looking hard at some Schuette’s for next year, already have a decent number of standard white and red oaks.
Dwarf chinkapin is more of a large shrub small tree but produce early and is supposedly a favorite of both deer in Turkey probably a lot of other Wildlife as it supposed to be the sweetest of acorns and it's bigger cousin chinkapin oak.. these are white oaks
I agree with planting a variety for sure, diversity is always a good thing. But as far as an attractant to whitetails, in my experience nothing has come close to Swamp chestnut oaks(Q. michauxii). And that includes Q. alba the standard white oak. I know these things can be regional but that has been my experience in east central Missouri. And even though they are native to wet areas they do just fine on upland sites. Mine have been fairly quick growers for being in the white oak group. I planted mine about 30 yrs ago and a few are in the 12"-16" diameter range. They have been producing intermittently for at least 10 yrs. now.
I planted nuttalls in hopes of a late drop and bearing more quickly. Nativ Nurseries Nuttall planted in September grew 8' the first year. Great response on a $4 tree. That winter the mice girdled it. Pffft. Higher tannin red oaks are not preferred for flavor, but the tannin preserves the nuts a lot longer. Articles out there about deer still eating red oaks the next summer, long after white oaks have rotted. When they get good light, my Dunstans have a good crop at 6 yrs.
I have a property mostly dominated with white oaks. Hundreds of producing chinkapin and white Oaks. A lot of really old Oaks also. Regen of the Oaks have been slowed by invasives and some of the older Oaks are dying off. When I find a young Oak I tag it and make sure I get it some sunlight. I also have a few dozen red Oaks. Northern Red and some form of a hybrid Red Oak. Those acorns just always rot. I find them piled up in the Spring.

I planted 10 Dwarf Chinkapin in my destination field this year along with 2 Chestnut seedlings. I think the dwarf Chinkapin will drop earlier than I want but if it produces in 5 years I will be happy.
I planted Nuttall and apparently we are too far north or something. I want to get my hands on the Schuettes oaks at Native Nursuries. I planted some of their other hybrid oaks that have done well.
So local tree place is having a sale. 1 gal oaks for $6 and 5 gal for 30. He sources all the acorns locally. Thinking about going and getting more sawtooth, swamp whites, and burr oak from them. He also has local northern red oaks which he collects the acorns for and says they grow fast.
What's the best place to buy DCO acorns for home propagation?
What's the best place to buy DCO acorns for home propagation?

Do a member search for Blitz .I believe its on this forum(maybe deerhunterforum?)

He is from Nebraska and sells them every September

Thanks, Treedaddy.
You're welcome

Superior Trees in Florida sells them bare root if you want to go that route

They sell out early so reserve your order in july when catalogue comes out
