No 1 Target Buck off the board ...

Tree Spud

5 year old buck +
I have been flirting with this guy all season. Pulled the cam today when I got up and saw he broke his left side off on wed or Tue this week ... bummed...:emoji_angry:

End of the day hopefully he delivered a lot of love juice to the girls. Spread those genetics ... thats why we hunt!

No 1 target buck 2017.JPG
That sucks. He's a big bodied son of a gun.
That sucks. He's a big bodied son of a gun.

Thanks ... he got in my kitchen and has been very active ... never closer than 100 yards on several occasions ... that's why we hunt ...
Ouch! My #1 broke a 12 inch G2. No pics, I layed eyes on him during bow season.
No sightings in 10 days :(. And the neighborhood POS killed our number 2 buck.
Sorry to hear guys. Hopefully lots of good genes spread around.

Bill - There's always at least one POS no matter where you go. Slobs are bad from any angle you view them. Bad PR for the non-hunting public.