What a great situation to have. When those drop can be in lock step or one tree can go first and the other one drop later. I will leave it to more experienced folks to determine if there are any American characteristics present. A very convenient setting for collection: a mowed year and no travel time.
Best time to collect is as early in the day as possible. Depending on how many you need, you may be able to collect on Saturday mornings. When burs begin to turn color and the seams begin to split, watch for a heavy rain or strong winds. That will load the ground up and makes collecting extremely simple.
Each bur can have a single, two or three chestnuts inside it. Weevils (little white grubs) a part of the process - they bore small holes in the chestnut. Float testing is in your future.
Five gallon and two gallon buckets are what I use to hold the chestnuts. I have a nut wizard now but for a long time I used leather gloves.
Advice: Go out of your way to keep the home owner happy. Offer them part of all collections. They may enjoy eating them or sharing them with friends. Be tight lipped about where you are collecting - you will have competition soon if not careful.
If the limbs of the tree are low enough, you can shake them to drop the burs barely hanging onto the limbs. Squirrels are you enemy - they will work on what you want to collect.
Congratulations on your opportunity. :) I will be glad to share with you what I have learned. If it helps people and the whitetail deer I am for it. Check your game laws about whether piling them in front of a game camera or a hunting situation is allowed.
Collection opportunities: eat them, grow in containers, direct seed them, use them as attraction for deer, share with friends. Personally, I am a grower in containers and I ship them to people that want to grow or direct seed.
Growing Opp: I hope the trees drop at different times for you. If you want trees for hunting purposes - you keep those chestnuts separated. LD to mean stands for late dropper. Mixed your plantings on your farm to provide better hunting opportunities. I am a bow hunter. Get buckets off different colors to collect on the front end in an organized fashion. I have 20 late droppers that will be mixed in on my farm. I think it will increase the hunting advantage for me by at least 3 weeks.