The pond continues to slowly fill, it is up under the dock now.
View from beach area today, it is really looking like a legit pond now. I think spring rains might fill it the rest of the way up by summer.
We have been finding a lot of these "fossils" in and around the pond from the construction...some kind of prehistoric clams from millions of years ago that have turned into stones.
At one time this area was under water of some kind...kind of cool to think about.
The deer are also using the pond almost nightly by the tracks I see going down to the waters edge.
I got the footers dug in for the prefab steps a couple weeks ago and today had them delivered and placed.
So the dock is complete now except for a six step stainless ladder off the left side.
Will be stocking some fish next month, going to start with more fathead minnows/ golden shiners and also putting in some red eared sunfish and perch this spring.
Next fall we will ad some predators, smallmouth bass along with a few channel cats. Then next spring maybe some hybrid striped bass and more smallmouth.
We will be putting sand in the beach area as soon as water reaches that high so it doesn't leach down into the pond to bad, I may put a layer of pea gravel over it before we put the sand in.
Now I need to get the grass in good around the pond, will be seeding it in the next few weeks.