Edge stone is all in and done, they tried to work on the beach stone barrier that is for sand block to try and keep sand from sliding down into the pond but was to sticky.
It just got too soft with the bit of rain we got last night so they will have to finish up when it dries out some.
Beach area is kind of tore up just now. The driving anything into the pond window is closed for sure, so glad I was able to make it work yesterday.
Stone for the barrier
When that is in right and everything smoothed off they will dump in a couple loads of sand.
Almost got the runoff tile done
Few pics to show the edge stone good and the look of the almost completed pond.
Going to work on the rest of the smaller fish structures this weekend and get them in place.
Talked with a neighbor we know pretty good down the road about bringing his tractor down and disking in grass seed in the next couple of weeks and bringing a pickup load of straw over we can cover with.
The boys are wanting to plant a big sunflower patch for doves too.
Hopefully we get some good rains and this beast starts to fill up.