new guy

Bill Loser

5 year old buck +
Hey guys! just joined tonight, been checking and reading this site for a while now. A lot of good info here and I hope to learn a lot from this!
I just bought a 20 acre farmette in se Wisconsin last fall and plan on making it a hunting paradise for me and my kids. A lot of work to do!
Welcome aboard.
20 acres for the kids sounds a lot better than a new video game.
Welcome aboard. Seems we been getting more new folks lately. Glad to see that!
Welcome and good luck with the habitat.
Welcome! I too am a smaller property owner. 36 acres for me. You can reap huge rewards with a small property. The best of which is time spent with your kids. Congratulations.
Sorry to sound like a broken record... but the best times I've had with my 11 year old (Jake) are at the farm. Hurry up and enjoy it though, I'm quickly becoming less cool every day :emoji_slight_frown:

Welcome aboard. I think you'll find lots of people here willing to share their experiences with you.

Sorry to sound like a broken record... but the best times I've had with my 11 year old (Jake) are at the farm. Hurry up and enjoy it though, I'm quickly becoming less cool every day :emoji_slight_frown:

Welcome aboard. I think you'll find lots of people here willing to share their experiences with you.


Becoming uncool now .... but in their 20s, you'll suddenly become smart again :)
ditto to last 2 posts

Welcome ... Hope to see you post some success pictures!
Welcome and good luck with making the property your own. Enjoy every second of it, they grow up fast. I can't wait to be smart again..
Welcome Bill. The folks on this site are knowledgeable and very helpful.
Welcome Bill - don't forget to fill out your profile info so we can offer more specific help if/when you have questions. 20 acres is plenty enough to make some memories.
Welcome Bill, congrats on the new land purchase. Let the addiction to tinkering with it begin!
Welcome get ready to become alittle crazy over things like trees,shrubs and anything that grows
Right now I'm on the tapping kick. Got a bunch of box elder , silver, black , and Norway maple on my land. Starting small seeing how everything works this year. Hopefully ramp it up big time next year!
I have 12 acres of crop land I'm converting back to habitat a little at a time. 6 acres this year the rest hopefully next year.
Just started at this and I'm already hooked on all of it!
You'll become an addict like the rest of us !! Welcome to Habitat Talk. Great group here. I've learned a TON from guys on here - then trying to share some of what I've learned and had some success with.
Welcome! You will enjoy this group of folks.
Welcome and congrats on your land acquisition.
Welcome!! Take your time and make as many long-term improvements as you can. Nothing like a few apple trees to make a property really click, with man and beast! :emoji_metal: