New guy


Buck Fawn
Hey guys,im in Oklahoma.
Three kids and activities in order are kids activities , lifting weights,bow hunting and 3d,rifle hunting,camping kayaking ,hiking,fishing and working on land.
I work for a power companys brush crew running heavy equipment.
We have 120 acres that’s rolling hardwoods and look to start getting the under story thinned out to benefit the good timber stand and help in wildlife habitat.Have owned 75 of it for 20 years and just acquired the rest.Kids and life have keep me from any major improvements but now I’m focused on doing 20 acres per year and chipping away at it.Look forward to contributing and learning.
WELCOME. You have plenty of good and knowledgeable people here to help you figure out whatever your goals are. Priceless resource with the experience you'll find here. ENJOY
Welcome to the forum. I think you’ll like it.
Welcome. Thinning out the under story may be good for timber, but usually doesn't mesh well with wildlife needs.
Welcome. I agree ^^^^ Timber mgmt goals are typically in conflict with deer mgmt goals.
Curious what general area of OK. Eastern parts whole different look than Western stuff. Parts of Ouachita mountains look pretty nice. Decent fishn in some big reservoirs too.