Finally went down to the property and took some pics on 2/9/2020.
We did try some balansa clover this year that is supposed to do well in acidic soils, and so far I am less than impressed. Will be putting the rest of it out this spring to see if it does any better in the spring/summer. Did not get any pics of the balansa, or several of the other plots but hope to this weekend. The only thing I did not do that I had planned on was to add some medium red clover.
Here is the middle plot. Durana, oats and wheat.
Back hilltop plot. Durana, oats and wheat. (was a turnip plot in 2018, heavily impacted clay)
Small old pine trial plot from 2018 that we just sprayed and lightly over seeded with Durana.
The roadside plot that has way too many rocks. Was a 2018 trial plot of Champion clover. We lightly disked the plot and over seeded with Durana, oats and wheat.
Lower road going into the lower plot. Was lucky enough to slip in on some wildlife enjoying the protein. Unfortunately I was not prepared for sausage. This was Champion, oats, wheat and rye last year and we disked it all under then seeded with Durana, oats and wheat.
Will be moving trail cams to several plots this weekend, but the ones we had on plots have pigs in them every day, and filled with deer most nights.