Need help with new Chinese Chestnut Trees


5 year old buck +
In the spring I picked up 6 bare root Chinese chestnut trees that I want to plant at my farm in KY, I now live in NJ. Anyway I planted the trees in pots and they are doing fine except the leader has no new growth coming off of it. Should I snip the leader? Do you think I should put them in the ground in KY in September or wait until April?

I keep trees and baby them over the summer and then plant them in the fall, I've tried saving them over the winter and haven't had good luck. Plant them this fall with protection, cages and screen. Good luck!
Also, if you are using regular smooth containers, when it comes time to plant in the fall, don't just plop them in the hole. You will need to check the roots for circling or j-hooking and prune them before planting. If you don't, the trees may do well when young, but root construction could really limit the trees as they age. Also, as you keep them this summer, be careful with water. Chestnuts don't like wet feet.

Best of luck,


I’m in the same boat as you except I’m in MD. I’m going to either take mine down in December, late muzzleloader, or over winter them here. I don’t think I would push it in Sept. unless you have someone to look after them. Last year it was hot in September down there and you don’t want them to dry out and die. Here is my herd:

I don’t think I would be snipping anything that wasn’t dead. Maybe one of the more experience growers can advise you on that.

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Let them go dormant and fall plant, plant them in late Oct-early Nov once leaves turn. Then they will be tucked in good for winter and will get benefit of all the winter/early spring moisture and root growth.
I wouldn't be in a rush to prune anything, you have plenty of time for that the first few years they grow slow and chestnuts aren't like fruit trees let them do their own thing for awhile. Screen and cage like fruit tree's but no can use a couple of the fertilizer spikes for them after they are established a few years.
Thanks for the tips guys. I will leave them be and plant them in November. I have tubes and cages for them.