Name that injury


5 year old buck +
So that left rear leg does look like it has two things going on (in my non-professional opinion)
1. A deformity from birth. That left outer growth appears to be almost like a dew claw. It has white hair around it as well. That's why it looks like something form birth.


2. An infection of a wound below the tarsal gland on the inside (or maybe an infection of another dew claw). Tarsal glands are covered with all sorts of bacteria. My hope/guess would be that this will heal over time.

I've yet to check all the cards/videos but I'm hoping there are some more recent ones of him or will be in the future. Hoping to find the sheds, too!
Looks like he got hit by a 3 blade broadhead and the wound got infected.
My first thought was he got caught in the top two strands of a barbed wire fence and is lucky to be alive.
I wondered about the broadhead as well. Here's a vid over a week later. He seems to be walking better but maybe the previous one he'd just got up from a nap or something.
5 days ago:
He sure doesn’t look worse.
What trail camera are you using for these shots?

This one is the Boly white flash(led).. older/previous model. Newest model has the info strip on the bottom.