My trees, my grafts, my plans, and some disease(?) ID

There are a variety of things in the pictures you have, none that I see overly concerning to me. I might have over looked FB in your pictures, but I do see scab, CAR and regular old environmentl stress (wind, sun, water).

That's what I like to hear! I'm not doing anything wrong! What would you say is going on in picture #6? That's an old tree in our orchard that I pruned VERY heavily this winter to remove blight.

Also, what would you say is going on with my grafts? Pictures 1-5 in the first set, and then 1-4 and the last one in the 2nd set.

Looks like it could be some blight. I had a problem with FB and shoot blight and have those same lesions on a lot of my Asian pear trees. Not sure what that is but one Asian pear was so bad with FB I cut it down completely and burned it along with all the shoots I trimmed. Still have some but too tired to get every last one. Seems the trees with the shoot blight are doing good except for the affected shoots which in most cases is max 3 or 4 shoots in about 10 per cent of my trees

So would you say to prune that shoot blight out this winter? I might have to take A LOT of that tree, because it looks as though it is where this trunk meets the other main trunk.

You can see in some of the other pictures that I had some blossom blight that I let go. It seems that none of that spread to the shoots, which I'm very happy about! I'd rather deal with lighter crops on a wild tree much more than I would have to deal with shoot blight, or blight that spreads easily.
That's what I like to hear! I'm not doing anything wrong! What would you say is going on in picture #6? That's an old tree in our orchard that I pruned VERY heavily this winter to remove blight.

Also, what would you say is going on with my grafts? Pictures 1-5 in the first set, and then 1-4 and the last one in the 2nd set.

I will be honest you have so many pictures I am not sure exactly which ones we are talking about!:) All I see on the grafts is environmental stress. Not sure which picture of the old tree you are calling #6.
I will be honest you have so many pictures I am not sure exactly which ones we are talking about!:) All I see on the grafts is environmental stress. Not sure which picture of the old tree you are calling #6.

I'll make sure I continue to water those grafts. I'm not too surprised, as I cut off all of the nurse limbs, so they're on their own now. I'll be spraying them with neem oil tonight so that I can keep the bugs off.
As for the picture #6.....yeah, my bad, it's this one :)
I'll make sure I continue to water those grafts. I'm not too surprised, as I cut off all of the nurse limbs, so they're on their own now. I'll be spraying them with neem oil tonight so that I can keep the bugs off.
As for the picture #6.....yeah, my bad, it's this one :)
That is one of the instances that looked like scab to me. If you have some better pictures of individual leaves on that tree we could probably be more confident in the diagnosis. Newest leaves look healthy so I wouldnt worry. Weather was terrible for scab this year over a large part of the country.

I have never used neem oil, but I shy away from "oil" products on my newly grafted trees. I had phyotoxicity happen to leaves once with another "oil" based product. I use liguid Sevin for bug control on my grafts. Not saying neem is a no no, just use a bit of caution.
That is one of the instances that looked like scab to me. If you have some better pictures of individual leaves on that tree we could probably be more confident in the diagnosis. Newest leaves look healthy so I wouldnt worry. Weather was terrible for scab this year over a large part of the country.

I have never used neem oil, but I shy away from "oil" products on my newly grafted trees. I had phyotoxicity happen to leaves once with another "oil" based product. I use liguid Sevin for bug control on my grafts. Not saying neem is a no no, just use a bit of caution.

I appreciate it! I'll get some better pictures tonight/tomorrow. I'm still new at ID'ing diseases, so again, I really appreciate the more professional diagnoses.

As for the neem oil, I'll apply it at night/ sunset. I did a test run on each tree (one graft on each) with it yesterday because I was afraid of them being to tender/stressed to apply it. They looked alright today. I'll be applying it at about 2/3 strength, and then using pyrethrin to "spot treat" the jap beatles when I see them.

Again, I really appreciate the help!
I wouldn't spot treat jap beetles because they will just go to the trees that aren't sprayed. I had so many when I sprayed the other day with my imidan I didn't think it was doing anything to them. They were really chomping in my plum and peach trees and on the tops and sun side of my apple trees with a preference to a few varieties. I am not sure how effective the spraying was but the rain today should slow them and I will go back up Monday and see if they did much leaf damage
I wouldn't spot treat jap beetles because they will just go to the trees that aren't sprayed. I had so many when I sprayed the other day with my imidan I didn't think it was doing anything to them. They were really chomping in my plum and peach trees and on the tops and sun side of my apple trees with a preference to a few varieties. I am not sure how effective the spraying was but the rain today should slow them and I will go back up Monday and see if they did much leaf damage

When I say "spot treat" I mean just spraying when they appear on my trees. I used pyrethrin last year with great results. I'm MUCH more worried about my young trees/grafts than I am about the older wild trees though.