My Orchard in MA.

MA VT Flatlander

5 year old buck +
orchard May 14,2014 2014-05-14 027.JPG orchard May 14,2014 2014-05-14 003.JPG orchard May 14,2014 2014-05-14 005.JPG Started planting trees in 2010. Pictures taken this morning.orchard May 14,2014 2014-05-14 003.JPG


  • orchard May 14,2014 2014-05-14 028.JPG
    orchard May 14,2014 2014-05-14 028.JPG
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Have some Galarina on B118 the tree in the front is one planted in 2011. The close up picture of the blossoms ia a Liberty on M111 planted in 2011. I have liberty, Crimson Gold, yellow delecious, Galarina, Enterprise, Inital, one Braeburn on M106. And two Honeycrisp.

Four wild apple crabapple trees growing around the edge of the food plot.
Liberty on M106 planted in 2010orchard May 14,2014 2014-05-14 026.JPG
Oh my! Thats fantastic looking! The deer and you aren't short on apples to munch in the summer months ah! :)
Very nice Ma Vt!!!
Hey MA VT - Looking good!! What's your soil composed of and what did you use for spacing between trees and rows?
Nice job...;)
Nice orchard!
Very nice! You've definitely got the rootstock variety covered. :) Are you planning on trimming your lower branches or just leaving them permanently fenced?

I am going to leave the lower branches for now.
I plan on removing the cages in a few years.
Nice looking orchard/property. Your trees look great.
Hey MA VT - Looking good!! What's your soil composed of and what did you use for spacing between trees and rows?
Nice job...;)

Soil is sandy loam it used to be a corn field there for years. Spacing is around 18' and row are around 20' or so.
I am going to leave the lower branches for now.
I plan on removing the cages in a few years.
Just keep something on the trunks when you do. I did that a few yep ears ago and had the coolest biggest rubs on my gorgeous 4th leaf trees on antonovka rootstock Thank god they didn't rub all the way around. Put small cages around them after that and the trees are doing fine now
Great looking orchard, I am still looking for my first apple bloom of the year in MN.
Nice orchard!
Just keep something on the trunks when you do. I did that a few yep ears ago and had the coolest biggest rubs on my gorgeous 4th leaf trees on antonovka rootstock Thank god they didn't rub all the way around. Put small cages around them after that and the trees are doing fine now
Great looking orchard. You've done well.

Do you have trees in VT as well?

Yes I do
Great looking orchard. You've done well.

Do you have trees in VT as well?

yes I do.