My First Spring Archery Turkey. 8 yards with Video

Nice job bco! Way to seal the deal!
Cool video. One of these years in going to get out and them on my piece.
Congrats! Cool video.
Cool video. Just proves how dumb they are.
Tooln dont rain on my parade! It took me alot of time and years with the bow to get this done......they are not very smart though
I had a big tom walk right past my setup and not even blink. Just before I shoot you can hear him hammering in the background. I took the bird in hand.
Awesome - congrats!
Congrats. Cool video. I heard the Tom gobbling in background and wondered how close he was.
Nice work - love that decoy! One bad mo fo-
Batman....first time I had a male see it and unfortunately the big tom walked on by without a flinch. The jakes waited ten minutes but then csme hard charging. First time for me and I have shot a dozen birds. I all but gave up on decoys honestly.
Nothing is 100% but if you can, point the jake where you think the tom will be coming from. It makes the body language click.
That is very interesting. What I got from everyone was to point it at me so they get between u and the blind and so hopefully u can draw while there ass is facing u. On this day however the head of my jake was perfectly away from the reaction. It took the jakes walking100 yards to the right where they could see the head before they decided it was go time. I thought of that right after it happened. Honestly i know very close to where they come out pretty regular.. It might be time to move the blind a bit closer to the spot but right now it covers alot of angles for my view and birds seeing the dekes.
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The slightly tipped up beak pointed at the toms is like a 13 year old giving you the finger. If he flies the bird looking the other way its not a huge deal. When he flips it in your face your gonna get pisssed.
On the video the bird came from the back left corner and crossed my face left to right. Next tag I will try it the other way around. You can see my dekes in the first pick. Jake 1/4d at me. Feeding hen at me and the upright spun and stuck looking right where thy came from. I didnt like that part.
I have better luck with just the jake. Have not used a hen in 4 years. Solo jake all season long.