Are you sure the fact your field is 6 acres isn't why its surviving just fine? I heard 2acres + is all you need for soy and corn to assure it will last through hunting season.
Two acres, even twice that many wouldn't stand a chance in an un-electrified fenced situation here, ask me how I know, lol.
Last year the same 6 acres was planted at the same time, under similar conditions and with the same brand soys and corn. The only difference was the fence, there was none.
Not a single corn plant survived to reach two feet, the tops were eaten out well before that. The soys were a joke as well, 4-5 inches and with no flowering thus no pods.
We have a very sizable deer herd, the DNR estimates 30-35 per square mile and growing. There are other ag crops in the area and most of the farmers apply for and are granted numerous crop deer damage permits, pretty much no questions asked.
The difference is indeed the e-fence hooked up to the solar charger, 100% guaranteed. Without it we would be in the same boat as last year when they pulled most everything up by the roots as soon as it emerged.
The corn is now chin high and the just today, 7/29, purple flowering forage beans and soys close to 18 inches despite no rain since those pictures were taken.
More importantly, no breaches to the fence. The only thing eating the leaves is the Jap beetles but they will be gone long before any damage is done.
Do they want to be in there ? Absolutely !! They love the clover planted between the camera and the fence, but you can tell their thoughts by the video.
If you click on the word vimeo you can enlarge the viewing screen.