My families best season to date.

North Mo

5 year old buck +
This has been our most successful season. It did not start well with our 1 1/2 year old granddaughter catching a 24 hour bug that caused her parents to drive up late and miss opening morning. Then in 24 hour intervals mom, dad and grandma caught the bug and all missed a day of hunting. I somehow escaped the bug. On the afternoon of the second day I heard a shot about 1/2 mile away and 40 minutes later this buck came limping by.1112171641.jpg
Our daughter was feeling better by the afternoon of the 3rd day so I drove her back to the clover plot that lies deepest in the woods that we hunt very sparingly. Trail camera photos showed a buck in the clover and then 3 minutes later our truck shows up, after another 40 minutes the buck came back and our daughter dropped him.1113171633.jpg
At the end of the 4th day my wife and daughter had to return home to work. My son in law and I stayed and on the 5th morning he went across the road to his lease and hunted from a pop up blind over a picked bean field. He placed a decoy about 100 yards into the bean field and less than an hour after daylight this buck walked toward the decoy.1116170810a.jpg
On the sixth day my son in law and I installed a 13 ft stovepipe but kept an eye out the windows and saw good bucks twice crossing between the house and woods 200 yard away. That afternoon I called my wife and she decided to use her last vacation day and she drove back up right after work. The next afternoon she shot this buck in the woods right behind the house.1117171625.jpg
Our son and his wife were also successful at the hunting club they belong to about 12 miles to the west of us. He got his buck with a bow the last week of October and she got hers the 2nd day of gun season.
Sounds great. I hunt Lewis/Knox Counties. Been after a particular buck all season, probably a mistake, headed out after Thanksgiving Dinner at noon. North MO. is a great area. What part of North MO?
Wow! Congrats to the entire family!
Sounds great. I hunt Lewis/Knox Counties. Been after a particular buck all season, probably a mistake, headed out after Thanksgiving Dinner at noon. North MO. is a great area. What part of North MO?
Putnam County
Can't very much beat 600 inches in 4 pics.
Can't very much beat 600 inches in 4 pics.
Thanks, once in a lifetime probably never happen again. We usually get a couple a year. I forgot to mention that our daughters buck had been hit in the shoulder blade with a broadhead. There was puss around the wound but it had not penetrated thru the bone.
Congratulations North Mo! Curious what caliber your AR is?
Congratulations North Mo! Curious what caliber your AR is?
It's an Armalite AR10 in .308. I have had it about 15 years. I also use 3 bolt action .308's to hunt deer with and the AR10 is more accurate than all but a heavy barrel Remington 700.
Thanks for the info. I bought a DPMS 308 for a hog hunt, I think next year I'll give it a try.
Congratulations! That's one heck of a year.
Congrats on the nice deer. But I think I got the best trophy, first grandchild, a girl born on second day of season here. My son was called off his deerstand at 6 am Sun. that his wife was in labor, a month+ early, after a 5 plus hr. drive home and another 5-6 hrs. of labor she was delivered. Beautiful little girl doing fine and now home.
PS group finished up with 7-7 all bucks.
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Congrats on the nice deer. But I think I got the best trophy, first grandchild, a girl born on second day of season here. My son was called off his deerstand at 6 am Sun. that his wife was in labor, a month+ early, after a 5 plus hr. drive home and another 5-6 hrs. of labor she was delivered. Beautiful little girl doing fine and now home.
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PS group finished up with 7-7 all bucks.
That is a real streak of good luck and a beautiful trophy.
Very impressive North Mo!!! Congrats to the whole family
Great job!! That is a season to remember!
Great season for you and family. Venison all around the table. Congrats!