My 2 year quest for a box framed disk is OVER!


5 year old buck +
I've been looking for a replacement for my old king kutter disk for 2 solid years. I finally got one tonight. It wasn't the steal of the century but it was below my 1k goal.

It's a leinbach. Hope it uses standard bearings and other parts. It's pretty heavy duty:

Anyhow, just thought I'd show you guys.
Good quality and looks like new. I like the easy adjustment of the gangs.
Nice hardly looks used at all.
Doesn't look like it was used much. The gangs look to be easily adjustable. Good luck with it.
Congrats! It looks a lot heavier duty than the King Kutter, you should get a lot of use out of it.
Congrats! It looks a lot heavier duty than the King Kutter, you should get a lot of use out of it.

FYI I own a King Kutter BOX FRAME disk. It is similar to the build of the disk shown. The angle iron framed KK disks are pretty light....but not so with the tube frame product. Likely not as good of a brand as the Lienbach or a few other premium disks....but not that far behind. Most of the blades and bearings are similar on all brands. I'd much prefer the adjustment feature shown on this disk.

I believe I paid $825 for my King Kutter new from a dealer. Most other brands would be x2 or x3 that price. I doubt that my JD 3320 will ever wear mine out or bend it in any way. The KK box frame disks are pretty good stuff. Just saying. :D
FYI I own a King Kutter BOX FRAME disk. It is similar to the build of the disk shown. The angle iron framed KK disks are pretty light....but not so with the tube frame product. Likely not as good of a brand as the Lienbach or a few other premium disks....but not that far behind. Most of the blades and bearings are similar on all brands. I'd much prefer the adjustment feature shown on this disk.

I believe I paid $825 for my King Kutter new from a dealer. Most other brands would be x2 or x3 that price. I doubt that my JD 3320 will ever wear mine out or bend it in any way. The KK box frame disks are pretty good stuff. Just saying. :D

I too have a KK disc along with other KK implements, landscape rake and back blade. They do anything I have ever asked of them and at a fair price.
Nice work Jason, it looks like new. I'm in the market for a disc also,where/how did you find it?
I got it in wood lake mn (near f'ing marshall!) off craigs. it had been out there for a while. i low balled him and they took it :). i also really liked the adjustments of the gangs. i'm amazed at how well this thing cuts. it's actually a bit more than my tractor can handle. I need to adjust it to be less aggressive.

foggy - i was trying to find a kk box framed disk since they're the most reasonably priced (and parts are so easily available for them) but couldn't find a used one. new, they were way out of my price range. just about everything i have is kk, works well enough for me. the angle iron disk though just couldn't stand up to my rocks.
That's a nice looking dirt turner, congrats on the find!
I got it in wood lake mn (near f'ing marshall!) off craigs. it had been out there for a while. i low balled him and they took it :). i also really liked the adjustments of the gangs. i'm amazed at how well this thing cuts. it's actually a bit more than my tractor can handle. I need to adjust it to be less aggressive.

foggy - i was trying to find a kk box framed disk since they're the most reasonably priced (and parts are so easily available for them) but couldn't find a used one. new, they were way out of my price range. just about everything i have is kk, works well enough for me. the angle iron disk though just couldn't stand up to my rocks.

Very good find on a great brand. Those blades have barely got a shine on 'em from use! Must be that it pulled too hard for the guys tractor? I've never heard anything but good on that brand.

I'm pretty sure the bearings are the same for most of this size disk. Blade thickness may vary some....but they are all readilly available too. I like the notched blades to cut up trash better than smooth blades. I love the easy adjustment feature shown on this disk....and I wish mine had it too. It took me a while to find the "sweet spot" for the gang adjustment on my KK disk....and it's not easy to change it (swinging big wrenches and hammers is hard work). Therefore I don't change mine anymore.....I just use it to break new ground and then pretty much use my tiller ever-after.

One good "tip" on to get the left and right front gangs adjusted so that the center blades are nearly touching each other. Really helps with the quality of the work.....then adjust so the rear blades are in the center of the front ones. This will change depending on how aggressive the blades are set. Yours looks set pretty aggressive as it is now.

I own quite a few 3-Point KK implements (B0x Blade, Tiller, Disk, Ripper, Rotary Cutter) and a few other brands too. Yep.....I'd rather own some other name brands as they are somewhat better built in some cases. That brand name usually comes at a steep price in these little implements. But, for food plotting on small acres, the better KK implements will get the job many of us can attest.
I have many kk implements: box blade, back blade, disk, brush hog, middle buster, tiller, post hold digger. you just cannot beat them for the money, especially used ones. i paid about 2k for all those implements used. the tiller was about 900 of it. granted, the brush hog and back blade were free from a buddy :).

I took the day off yesterday and worked on my wisconsin food plots. i am blown away by this disk. it's so heavy that i can't even drop it all the way down to the ground, it stops me in my tracks. cuts amazing!!! I wore much of the paint of the disks so i'm sure this disk had next to no use at all before i got it.

I just wish it had grease zirks, i don't mind greasing and don't trust sealed bearings. anyone have experience with sealed bearings? do they last?
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You can't beat sealed bearing as long as the seal doesn't get damaged. They will last as long as a bearing that you grease. I work maint. in a food processing plant. I see bearings getting washed with 5000 psi pressure washers sealed are the way to go.
yea, i guess they went w/ sealed on all vehicles quite a while back. so, one would think they'd be better. just wasn't sure about the abuse they get in the field. i'm sold :).

no more greasing disk bearings - surprising how much grease those suckers went through.