Mostly Failed (at My First) Food Plot


5 year old buck +
So this is my first attempt at a food plot. Unfortunately, time got the best of me and I wasn't able do a thorough killing off of the native grasses (beyond weed whacking) and ended up doing a broadcast of soybeans with wheat grass. Because my food plot is also some 1700 miles away (Black Hills of South Dakota while I am in the People's Republic of Maryland), I really can't manicure it much and had to let Mother Nature run her course. (Oh, and I never received the results of my soil test...and USDA NRCS/NWTF is still working on their land plan for this was more for learning purposes anyways...)

Be much did I fail? Also...any tips would be much appreciated.

Next year, I should have some more time dedicated to the food plot and hoping to do a better job at killing off the native grasses...and throwing down Clover and Sainfoin.

Broadcasting soybeans as a first ever plot isn’t quite a hail mary, but not too far off. I would start with the lickcreek mix around labor day, and then maybe try a throw and roll/mow of a bigger seed next year. But start with a bulletproof plot like winter rye and clover and use that as a foundation to grow from there.

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I will give you the most bullet thing there is-----Clover and Chicory, throw some oats and winter rye in there and I don't know how you wouldn't have a food plot. Broadcast all of it and the only thing that might not do fantastic would be the oats as far as germination because oats do better with some dirt on them but can still come up great by broadcasting(moisture is key).
Oats will freeze out and everything thing else keeps coming back
Agree with Bill, every time I've planted, I've learned something. Check out the Cereal Grain and Clover threads in the Lickcreek section on here, a great place to start.

Welcome to the addiction :emoji_sunglasses: