Morning vs afternoon sun


5 year old buck +
Is it better for plants/trees to get morning or afternoon sun? Does it make a difference if you have to choose if your plants/flowers/trees get one or the other?
Was curious if it makes much of a difference. I think you're right with the heat aspect. Don't know of too many things that do great in extreme heat. Here in Minnesota we don't get a lot of heat but mornings are probably a better choice. Have some hostas that don't like much light at all. Places where I've seen rhubarb around here seem to always be planted on the west side of structures. Was wondering if there was maybe something that everyone but me knew about.
The wifes flowers hanging all over the place at our house is a different story. The flower baskets on the west side look great and the east side isn't doing nearly as well. Have to experiment a bit to find out I think.
From a fruit tree perspective if you have to choose between morning or afternoon sun, morning sun is better. Being in the sun 1st thing can slightly reduce the time exposed to damaging frost temperatures. Also dew on leaves tends to dry a bit quicker potentially helping reduce fungal diseases.
I would think morning sun would be preferable. I know down here in the south, afternoon sun can fry an egg. I would think up north, morning sun would tend to warm a tree up quicker

I try to plant on north and east facing slopes in east texas
