MN Wolf Lottery Results


5 year old buck +
Results look like they're up on on the DNR webpage.
Looks like I got drawn.
Any others???
Do you have a spot where you plan on hunting? Which time frame are you hunting?
I'll be hunting early season while deer hunting. Always hear howling and see tracks and have seen wolves on occasion throughout the years including this one that got 10 yards away.
May you all be successful!
197, Leech Lake area
Congrats on drawing a tag.
I'll be hunting early season while deer hunting. Always hear howling and see tracks and have seen wolves on occasion throughout the years including this one that got 10 yards away.

That would have been one dead coyote;), if he had got within 10 yards of me! Just Sayin!
If you see two, maybe wait till they're lined up. Two birds kinda thing.
That would have been one dead coyote;), if he had got within 10 yards of me! Just Sayin!
I agree. The neighbors by my land in northern WI tell me some interesting stories about the large coyotes they bag. If you want some real interesting stories, ask the guys who run bear hounds in northern WI their opinions of those large coyotes.