Missing pedicle buck


5 year old buck +
This buck appears to have a missing pedicle. I don't see an apparent injury. The glowing eye would seem to indicate he is not blind on that side. I don't recall this buck from previous years. It will be interesting to see if I get more definitive pics.

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It is a neat buck. I read something once that you can actually transplant the tissue from the pedicel to another point on the deer and an antler will grow there. Not sure if it is true or not, but I guess I dont know why it woulnt be.
I need to put a montage together across all of the years for a buck we called Left Side. For several years he only ever had his left rack. And then two years ago he put up a spike on the right side and eventually started developing his right, even with a brow tine. Yours might do the same.

Imagine if that starts to dominate the gene pool…

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