Miracle conifers?

How far's your place from Brainerd? :p

I think I'm going to order a mix of more spruce and maybe some pine after a soil test and start working on some connecting cover and thermal pockets.
Jim-I might be able to find some knee high spruce , but we would have to carry them a hundred yards or more- at the north sandbox.
I'm sure you could start over in the Aitkin area. I used to live in Emily, they had some thick spruce stands up there. You might be surprised what is actually out there. A spruce grove planted 40-50 years ago as a farm windbreak usually has a spot or two with some seedlings popping up.
Art, I appreciate the offer but I think doing plugs will be better on all parties and plants involved. :)
I went through the same thought process in my head last year. After I penciled out the time it'd take to move larger dug up trees, I could plant hundreds more in the same time.

Now, perhaps digging up some of those trees, potting, and selling. Could be a different story. Might just pay for your tree order.
Or put me in the ER... :p
I could've shown you the "original" plug planting tool if you'd mentioned it. We drove past it twice Wed. :)
I can say from first hand experience...there is absolutely zero comparison to planting plugs (or even bareroot) evergreens and digging up/transplanting large(r) specimens. If I wanted a few bigger evergreens near a house/cabin/whatever and was able to "baby" them through a summer...and they were readily available on my property...it would be "worth" it. If you're interested in habitat...go with quantity over quality....and hope Ma Nature cooperates.

Order you up some plugs and make one of your plug tools to get 'em in the ground Jim. In ten years you'll be happy you did so....

Make TWO, Jim. I ordered the plugs but not the tool.

I have planted ten or twelve small spruce along the edge of a garden for a few years and moved them to gaps in the original planting at a later date.
Art, I already told ya I'd get ya one. Relax! :p

I can see the benefit of moving a tree that's grown past it's infancy and moved into toddler expansion mode - but without any useful means of watering, I don't think that's a good plan here. I came up North 3 times prior to September this year. That might change next year, but until I have my own quarters - I do what I can to avoid my in-laws.
:DJim-I could use some lessons on use of that planter. I'll bet after 3 X198 times I could figure it out!
How'd you guess my order size? I'll gladly mentor you on the planting tools useage - here at my place. I might even show you how it's done before I watch and critique you. :D
Best way to learn is by doing. I will be offering one day labs for $59 for anyone that wants to learn to use the KBC bar. Here's the course:

*I will show you how to plant one.
*You plant the next 199 on your own with coaching.
*You plant the next 200 on your own without coaching and are evaluated afterword.
*You plant the last 200 on your own with final evaluation and graduation.

I will provide you with a written certification on a napkin upon successful completion of my course. Cash only please. Bring beer.
Art, I already told ya I'd get ya one. Relax! :p

I can see the benefit of moving a tree that's grown past it's infancy and moved into toddler expansion mode - but without any useful means of watering, I don't think that's a good plan here. I came up North 3 times prior to September this year. That might change next year, but until I have my own quarters - I do what I can to avoid my in-laws.

I have had fair lcuk by moving those spruce in early spring and have added a few water crystals the last few years. I do not use the crystals if I am i
Best way to learn is by doing. I will be offering one day labs for $59 for anyone that wants to learn to use the KBC bar. Here's the course:

*I will show you how to plant one.
*You plant the next 199 on your own with coaching.
*You plant the next 200 on your own without coaching and are evaluated afterword.
*You plant the last 200 on your own with final evaluation and graduation.

I will provide you with a written certification on a napkin upon successful completion of my course. Cash only please. Bring beer.

You and Jim must have something going here. Have you been talking to foggy?
I don't cut corners. I'll make sure you're an expert by the time you're done.
I think of it more as good customer service. We don't have an exacting QA program, so we just want to make sure your tool is up to the task before you take ownership. :D