Midwest Snowstorm


5 year old buck +
I'm hearing early next week parts of the Midwest will see 18"-24" of snow. I sure hope we don't get that much.
We must be on the warm side! Predicting 58 for next Wednesday. This winter couldn't me more opposite than last winter.
I'm hoping to get out to our place this weekend, since it doesn't look like it would be fun after next week. Haven't been up since gun hunting.
I'm in the exact same boat. Might shoot up even if its just for a half day to collect the cameras I left out and scout around a bit. If the wind is right I may a burn a pile or two of brush.
Weather people! Yesterday they were trying to start a panic by saying we might get between 10-14" and now today they are back tracking to beat hell saying the storm is still in the Pacific so too early to predict the exact storm path. I dont believe a word they say most of the time.
Weather people! Yesterday they were trying to start a panic by saying we might get between 10-14" and now today they are back tracking to beat hell saying the storm is still in the Pacific so too early to predict the exact storm path. I dont believe a word they say most of the time.

Yep, the good news is that they are predicting lots of snow almost a week out. That means we'll get somewhere between 1" and 24" or nothing at all. Bad weather sells. And they sure sell it.
