Midwest Deer trees

It has the reddest leaves of any of my potted trees. I like that color. It will add some color contrast when I plant it in its final location.

Now that homerj has encouraged me to scrutinize the underside of the leaves more carefully, I'm not sure what the heck I have on the leaves. When I first examined them, I noted little cylindrical projections extending away from some of the brown spots, like I'd expect from CAR. However, the leaves also have raised warts on the bottom. Whatever it is that is attacking the tree is probably a topic for a whole separate thread.


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It has the reddest leaves of any of my potted trees. I like that color. It will add some color contrast when I plant it in its final location.

Now that homerj has encouraged me to scrutinize the underside of the leaves more carefully, I'm not sure what the heck I have on the leaves. When I first examined them, I noted little cylindrical projections extending away from some of the brown spots, like I'd expect from CAR. However, the leaves also have raised warts on the bottom. Whatever it is that is attacking the tree is probably a topic for a whole separate thread.
Yep, your red circled areas are CAR for sure. My eyes didn't pick that up. As far as the warts go, I have no idea. Maybe that's what happens before the CAR spots send out the fingerlike projections.
You guys are killing me. I had to scratch to find spots to plant the trees I bought this year. I'm not sure that I have any more room. I'll have to recheck. haha
Maybe that's what happens before the CAR spots send out the fingerlike projections.
I'm no expert, but from a close look at your pic, it looks like the "warts" are the same as the ones JUST starting to project the spore-producing "fingers." See what those same "warts" look like in another day or two. I'd expect that more of them will have "fingers" projecting out the bottoms. Let us know what happens - we all learn here.
I just got done moving my pots around and giving each tree any tender loving care it needed. Pretty much any commercial variety that is not rated as highly resistant got some CAR. I also had some fireblight.

Bear in mind, I got my scions from other members on here, so there is always the possibility of human error in the labeling of the scions I received. None of the trees I have marked as County Road Crab or Holy Crab got hit by the fireblight, even though it was present. The trees I have marked as Holy Crabs are clean as a whistle without a single spot of CAR.