Maple tapping


5 year old buck +
Any one tapping their trees? I'm doing it this years fro the 1st time. Tapped 100 yesterday. I plan to sell the sap as I'm not set up to cook it down myself.

Curious? What does the sap you collect look like?

There is a farm not far from me with what looks like taps in two huge old maples. The collection containers are those 5 gallon clear water cooler jugs. It just looks like water in them.

How long do you leave the tree tapped?
The sap is clear, it has a really high water content. I've been told that when you boil it down to get the syrup it could be up to a 40/1 ratio. Length of tapping depends on the weather. It has to get above freezing during the day and below at night. It could be as much as 3-4 weeks or as little as 1. Again this is my 1st year so I'm still learning.
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I've never done any maple syrup work, but I'm a regular customer of a Northern Pa. family that does it every year. They've been doing it for probably 60+ years. ( father to son family business ). I've spent time up there with them and watched the whole process from start to finish. VERY COOL thing to watch !! Sap is clear as water when collected and the steam from boiling down is a smell that has to be experienced. Heavenly !!! Warm syrup right out of the boiler is KILLER !!! I hope that process never dies. Some things just need to go on !!
I'm heading out soon the property to check things out. I don't expect much because of the low temps.
Not much but that was expected. Tomorrow and Monday it should run good.
Those are some nice looking maples Tooln. I tap about 50 maples each year on buckets. The season here in the Northeast was early this year. I tapped two weeks ago and collected 150 gallons. Boiled it down on my Mason 2x4 evaporator...made almost 3 gallons. We've got a warming trend coming up in the next 4 or 5 days...highs in the 50's and 60's. Not good for sugarin'.
So Tooln how do you transport it to the buyer in 5 gal buckets or in larger containers ? Do you have a buyer for your sap ? I have 1 silver maple no sugar maples on our property so we don't do that around our area.
My buyer is about 3 miles from me. I have 2 275 gallon totes. I'll collect with the trailer and tote. I don't want to haul with the trailer I'm collecting with because of the weight. I have a transfer pump to pump to the second tote that will be on my wagon.

I tapped and made syrup one year in high school. The Amish neighbor has a lot of orange Home Depot 5 gal buckets out in the woods this year.

Snapped this today at the farm I mentioned. Thought I'd share. They've got a bunch of doubles on these really big maples.

I may have to try this next year.


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110 gallons today tested @ 2.6, not bad for 100 taps.
So Tooln is there much money in this and do you get a premium for the percent of sugar ?
NOFO can answer this question better than I as he's been doing it more. I'm looking for the property tax break. Ag vs rec is a big difference. There's $$$$ to be made if you process and sell, but I'm just selling the sap raw. Yes the higher the sugar the higher the price. It doesn't take as much 3% to make a gallon of syrup as it does 2%.
Makes sense

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701 gallons ytd with an average test of 2.6. 100 taps this year, next year will be 200. Getting close to done for the year.
Wish I had some maples on my place just to play around with one or two of them. The kids would enjoy the process of collecting and cooking even if we only did a small amount.