
Jordan Selsor

5 year old buck +
So I have access to allot of free manure and a dump trailer. So basically time and fuel is all it would cost me for an endless supply. Should I spread this on my feilds? Or will it just be a continuous battle with the weeds? I used allot of it in my veg garden this yr and weeds haven't been to bad. Allot of the manure has some age to it so Im hoping the weed seed is smoked!??!!! Looks like coffee grounds. I often wonder if that antler dirt that Grant Woods uses is just manure? It sure looks like it to me
Sounds like dang near straight up organic matter to me. The best money you can spend
I think grant is using a mixture of top soil, turkey litter and something else. Can't remember for sure. We have a spreader but can't find a source close enough to mess with.
I would start hauling!! Price is right.I have a buddy that is a large farmer and also raises turkey's he claimed turkey $hit is the best. He buys it from other turkey guys too.
The fields in my backyard are about 4 acres...a very poor quality 4 acres. Heavy clay, wet, rocky, thin. I have been spreading horse manure on them for about the past 4 or 5 years and have been amazed with the results. I spread in the spring and fall and then mow twice a year. By doing this I have gotten the clover to volunteer quite abundantly to the point that my back yard has become kind of an ad hoc foodplot. We never used to see deer in the back yard. Now we see them every morning amd every night.

I definitely have weeds, but I'm not concerned as this is just my backyard. If your manure is old and heavily composted I would say go for it.
Manure being so scarce and valuable is a very foreign thing to me. There are large dairies that rent cropland mostly so they have a place to spread manure; no poultry and very little hog manure around here, though- almost all cows.
The majority of farmers in my area have gone liquid manure, with the exception of Amish.
The horse manure is slower to break down than the other manures. Make sure the horse manure is composted and broken down so that the weed seeds are killed otherwise they could germinate and be spread in your plots.
We have horses, I would never use horse manure in my food plots due to the weeds. I used to put it in the garden, not anymore. They don't have the multiple stomachs to break the seeds down like cows.
If It's not fully composted, haul it away and compost it at your place, just to ensure you've got it. Only downside is you'd have to load/unload twice. Depending on how big your plots are, you could make compost piles around your plots and space them as far apart as your flinging radius. To be more scientific, this is the distance you can fling $hit over your shoulder onto your plot.

I don't know why, but I giggled as I typed that.
I think I'm gonna try it on a small woodland plot first. Can't hurt
Manure is about the best thing you can do for a food plot, you get both fertilizer and instant OM for your soil. I wish we would have had access to some on our sandy soil at the old place. The farmers around us wouldn't let you have any for all the money in the world, it went right back onto their own fields, that fact alone tells you something. I'm 100% positive it would have made a huge difference in our ability to grow our clover patches through the heat of summer. I personally would take as much of it as I could possibly get my hands on, before the offer no longer stands. You can always stockpile it around your plots and spread it later, no different than a pile of lime.