Made the tough decision.


5 year old buck +
An unexpected opportunity came up on a property I've wanted for a long time just down the road from my home so I made an offer last week and now have sale pending on that so now it's bitter sweet that the habitat projects I started may be left to someone else to complete.

It was a very, very tough decision to sell because the buck I have 5 years of history with since he was a yearling and who now has been become famous on the internet as being the next possible world record typical lives on my farm. The pics floating around the internet are mine if you've seen them. He's still alive and well too and should be larger next year especially with this mild winter. I still have a chance albeit lesser at him on the new place and on a neighbor's farm should the sale go through. The new place was just a better long term fit with my kids getting older and me wanting to expand my garlic farm and properties in this area are hard to come by. The listing should be available soon so we'll see what happens.


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Didn't know u had a famous buck. Tell us more, it's gonna sell better with a complete story!
Well I've seen this guy every year since he was a yearling. At 2 1/2 he was in the mid 140's and had a frame I knew could turn into something special. At 3 1/2 he was in the 170's and had G6's bumping out so I was really excited to see him at 4 1/2. He ended up being a 9x8 typical with one common base tine. He busted three tines in early November but his one shed I'm told still scored 91". This year, he went back to just barely being a 7x7 (G6's are just an inch) but his frame got longer and more massive.

From April to July it's not uncommon to see him come strolling into by back yard and I get pics of him all the time. My property is small so you can't hold him there exclusively in the fall and he wanders like no deer I've even heard of with no real core area but he always makes his fall rounds on my farm. Last year my timing was off with him early (missed a couple day time chances) and in late October I thought it might be good if he made it another year so I went an hunted a honey hole of mine and was done hunting in 30 minutes on a great public land buck. Naturally once I tagged out I had him on camera again and even walked up to within 30 yds of him last Christmas Eve. This year my timing was off and I exclusively hunted my property as it was him or nothing and I can hunt my farm without busting deer going in and out so I hunted a lot. I had him at 60yds opening day but he fed on acorns too late that day. Two weeks later, I had Friday 9/25 or Saturday 9/26 to celebrate my Daughter's 18th birthday and because I thought it would be easier on her schedule I chose the 26th. It was the wrong day choice as I got a cell cam pic of him standing 15yds broadside 15 minutes before dark and the wind would have been in my favor. We he started moving more in November he got locked onto the neighbor's does and although I had hunted for three weeks straight in the afternoon, on the 11th I had an issue at work to deal with and didn't get home until 3:30 only to find out he had gone past three of my tree stands just one hour earlier rubbing and making a few scrapes.
Oouch, sounds like some awful timing! I'm sure you could sell at a premium with the prospective buyers given a chance at a mega giant in year one. With a pic like that on any hunting listing, it won't last long on the market.
Great deer!! Good luck with the sale.
A side note is that he has a sibling a year or younger who also visited my property this fall. He has the exact same frame but is 6x6 and in the 170's. With him having a lot more growing to do there is the chance of seeing two 200" typicals here. There was a third sibling with them too but he was shot mid Novermber. Had he not busted one G4 in half he would have grossed 180" as a 4 year old.

Another 170" gross 10 and 180" net 12 were also shot not far north. This area has some of the best typical genetics you'll find anywhere.
Hell of a deer. Good luck with the sale and have fun with the new property.
Maybe you can work out some deal with the new owner to hunt that deer with a extra $$$ clause thrown in if you should shoot the deer. That is a heck of a buck!
Maybe you can work out some deal with the new owner to hunt that deer with a extra $$$ clause thrown in if you should shoot the deer. That is a heck of a buck!

LOL! maybe he can tell him there is oil on the property also ... he just want to sell without the mineral rights :rolleyes:
Sounds like you got the property you wanted. A deer is a deer but that property will last your lifetime. Now you have a clean slate to start another property. Congrats
What a perfect time to be selling though, really. With that deer and story I would advertise well and cash in.
LOL! maybe he can tell him there is oil on the property also ... he just want to sell without the mineral rights :rolleyes:

Actually in terms of your oil analogy that happens more times than you know in this part of the country. Maybe I am not reading your message in the way you intended, but I really dont see maintaining the short term hunting rights for a agreed upon price that crazy. How is that different than a hunting lease? Maybe the new owner would say no, but I certainly would ask if I was in the same boat.
when I saw the photo on Hanback of a potential world record buck, I wondered if it might be the one you were after. That's one heck of a buck! I hope the deer gods are shining down on you this fall and he comes by your stand on your new land and you get him!
when I saw the photo on Hanback of a potential world record buck, I wondered if it might be the one you were after. That's one heck of a buck! I hope the deer gods are shining down on you this fall and he comes by your stand on your new land and you get him!

Yes, that was my photo that leaked and got to his blog.

Tc- keeping hunting rights would be nice but with 3 months to sell, he'll probably be the one to get it sold faster.

I actually had a couple last year interested in my place at $75,000 higher than what I'm asking now but I was still dealing with my dad's estate and there was nowhere in the immediate area to move to so I about timing!
Actually in terms of your oil analogy that happens more times than you know in this part of the country. Maybe I am not reading your message in the way you intended, but I really dont see maintaining the short term hunting rights for a agreed upon price that crazy. How is that different than a hunting lease? Maybe the new owner would say no, but I certainly would ask if I was in the same boat.

Unless the purchaser is looking at marketable timber or some other non hunting related reason to buy, I doubt anyone in this area would consider such a thing. I just sold to pieces of land, 100acres plus each and each buyer wanted to put out trail cams before closing. What they saw on the cams accelerated the closing process.

If shawnv used a pic of a deer like that or other similar to it, to market the property, I can't imagine a hunter any hunter forgoing the opportunity at a deer like that, to which he just paid a premium to purchase the property.
I see now how that would be the case if the property is for rec purposes only. Very, very little land in my area of the country is ever sold for strictly rec purposes. Who knows, that monster buck could be run over by an 18 wheeler tomorrow!. Land can bring a lifetime of good memories. Congratulations on that new piece of ground.
I think it'd be a mistake to buy a farm based on one buck. That being shows the potential of the area in terms of age and genetics!!
I'm actually not selling at a premium at all, land here goes $3500-$4000 acre and I have 6400sqft finished and I'm a short drive to the city.

Bwoods-True for the average guy, don't think the average guy would be my buyer. However, this isn't the first big typical in the area and he's not the only one now. I expect JR who has the same frame but is a year younger to be in the same class or close this next year.
I'm actually not selling at a premium at all, land here goes $3500-$4000 acre and I have 6400sqft finished and I'm a short drive to the city.

Bwoods-True for the average guy, don't think the average guy would be my buyer. However, this isn't the first big typical in the area and he's not the only one now. I expect JR who has the same frame but is a year younger to be in the same class or close this next year.

I'm not being critical at all. I'm stressing that the genetics to produce a buck like that are rare! I was actually looking at farms in your area this fall. You are in a good big buck county!
I'm not being critical at all. I'm stressing that the genetics to produce a buck like that are rare! I was actually looking at farms in your area this fall. You are in a good big buck county!

I didn't think you were. :)