Lost horse


5 year old buck +
863900043806444-10-5-08102024071000-W1000603.JPG863900043806444-1-5-08032024225908-W1000597.JPGsomeone lost a horse and he seems to be sticking around hopefully he's not destroying my food plots.none of my adjacent neighbors have horses. Not sure what I should do
Good looking quarter horse, I'd say get a halter and a lead rope and sell that thing.
Looks like sausage.
Livestock and food plots do not work well together. I have frequent issues with my neighbors cattle getting in my plots and they do a lot of damage quickly.
I’d get it caught ASAP if it’s hanging around on your property it will decimate food plots in short order a 1000lb animal eats a lot
Probably just on his way to work.