Looking for 20 Gauge Remington Premiere Copper Solids

Natty Bumppo

5 year old buck +
I know it's a long shot, but thought I'd ask. I bought my Savage 220 slug gun the first year it came out and have been really happy with it. Tried all kinds of ammo with it, but eventually went with Remington's 20 gauge 2 3/4" copper solids. My 220 shoots them like a rifle out to 120 yards.

Remington discontinued this sabot round and I am down to my last 8 rounds. Before I try another brand or the Remington Accu-tips, just wanted to see if by chance anybody had any new-old-stock laying around that they'd be willing to part with. Happy to pay full retail plus shipping.

Thanks in advance.


I just listened to a podcast and I think it was the remington accutips that they didn't think preformed well when they shot a deer.They preferred the hornadys shot out of the savage 220
I just listened to a podcast and I think it was the remington accutips that they didn't think preformed well when they shot a deer.They preferred the hornadys shot out of the savage 220

Thanks buckdeer. I'll certainly check those out.
I had a mossberg 12 gauge bolt action slug gun that loved those copper slugs.
I had a mossberg 12 gauge bolt action slug gun that loved those copper slugs.

Yeah, I tried all kinds of ammo..2 3/4 and 3" shells. The Copper Solids just worked the best. I can literally take my 220 out of my safe and hit the bullseye at 40 yards and the first shot, and put the 2nd shot through the same hole again at 80. Hold 2" high at 120 on the 3rd and I'm good.
I am going through the same thing getting accutips...My 220 shoots the 2 3/4 extremely well...Ive never lost a deer using them...I made one extremely poor shot on a large buck once but knew I did and let him lay for 6 hours...Started tracking him very slow and silent...he only went 50 yards but was still alive and required another shot to finish. I will be trying out the Winchester XR sabots...They are zeroed at 100 instead of 150 like the accutips. Hoping my gun likes them.
I am going through the same thing getting accutips...My 220 shoots the 2 3/4 extremely well...Ive never lost a deer using them...I made one extremely poor shot on a large buck once but knew I did and let him lay for 6 hours...Started tracking him very slow and silent...he only went 50 yards but was still alive and required another shot to finish. I will be trying out the Winchester XR sabots...They are zeroed at 100 instead of 150 like the accutips. Hoping my gun likes them.

Thanks for that tip. The Winchester sabots sound good. I rarely get a shot at anything beyond 100 yards. They might be perfect.

Love my 220. The first year they made it there were some complaints about the tooling of the bolt and receiver...actions were a little sticky and not so smooth. I found that to be the case....but the more I shot it over the years the smoother the action became. Thinking about doing some kind of custom Boyds stock for it after this season.
Word on the street was always that the Rem Accutips were the most accurate, but slightly less accurate were the rem barnes expanders but they were more terminal. Deer would travel less distance after the shot. We chose those for my dad's 220 when we bought it 2 years ago. Down to 5 remaining shells entering this season, he confirmed zero with 2 shells, both holes touching at 100 yards. Then he fired 2 more of a shell I got real lucky to find online, a winchester solid copper sabot slug, and it coincidentally shot extremely well also. So we still have 23 of those, but I can't find them available online any longer. I can't find anything in either 12 or 20 gauge. Here's the link to the winchester that his 220 seems to have liked for 2 shots anyhow.

Word on the street was always that the Rem Accutips were the most accurate, but slightly less accurate were the rem barnes expanders but they were more terminal. Deer would travel less distance after the shot. We chose those for my dad's 220 when we bought it 2 years ago. Down to 5 remaining shells entering this season, he confirmed zero with 2 shells, both holes touching at 100 yards. Then he fired 2 more of a shell I got real lucky to find online, a winchester solid copper sabot slug, and it coincidentally shot extremely well also. So we still have 23 of those, but I can't find them available online any longer. I can't find anything in either 12 or 20 gauge. Here's the link to the winchester that his 220 seems to have liked for 2 shots anyhow.

Thank you for taking the time to reply. I'll check those out for sure when it comes time to find some new ammo.