Lockdown still?


We went shining last night and saw quite a few deer but only could confirm a couple of them as bucks, typical night. What I found interesting is each of the big bucks were with a doe and no other deer in sight. Could they still be in lockdown?
I hunted every minute of our first IL gun season the past 3 days. Didn't see the amount of deer I expected, does or bucks. The hunting pressure seemed relatively light, probably due to less than ideal weather. So my only two guesses are lock down and or some acres of standing corn further north in the neighborhood.
This last weekend I hunted pretty hard in central MN. Deer activity was at an all time low. Sunday night I watched a mature buck never get more than 10' from a doe for over an hour. YEAH, they are still in lock down!
We are still seeing some small ones alone. Had a fawn running around like a nut Saturday afternoon. Obviously stressed because Mom was occupied.

I have noticed the smaller bucks are stopping to feed again though.

Don't know if that's good or bad. Once all the does are out of heat it's a month before the big boys need to out in the daylight.
We are still seeing some small ones alone. Had a fawn running around like a nut Saturday afternoon. Obviously stressed because Mom was occupied.

I have noticed the smaller bucks are stopping to feed again though.

Don't know if that's good or bad. Once all the does are out of heat it's a month before the big boys need to out in the daylight.

This is the one nice thing about living up north. When December daytime highs are single digits, the deer (young and old) are out WELL before sundown.
This is the one nice thing about living up north. When December daytime highs are single digits, the deer (young and old) are out WELL before sundown.

Balmy 60 degrees here today.
All day Saturday, and Sunday morning, sighting were very limited. Rain Friday night and high winds certainly did not help. Only real movement was very early or right before closing. Sunday morning was cold at 18 deg F and I was sitting looking out over our tag alder & tamarack marsh. Normally can count on seeing 20+ deer here. Only saw 2 does and they came in around 7:30 and bedded near me.

Sat Sunday afternoon over some large food areas and and 1st deer came out at 2:15 and it was a buck. Stopped counting after 30 deer were out and 6 were bucks. No shooters as everything was under 135-140. No real chasing or grunting, everyone was just eating as much as they could.

We are still seeing some small ones alone. Had a fawn running around like a nut Saturday afternoon. Obviously stressed because Mom was occupied.

I have noticed the smaller bucks are stopping to feed again though.

Don't know if that's good or bad. Once all the does are out of heat it's a month before the big boys need to out in the daylight.
Interesting Bill, here too. Since I already have a buck with my rifle I was antlerless only this weekend. Yesterday early morning I saw a four pointer working a licking branch and a scrape right in front of me and then he fed for about 25 minutes before walking off. I didn’t see another deer until 4:30. There were four together and I assumed all were does. They were feeding on one of my trails. It’s a spot that last week I couldn’t see from my stand. After all the leaves were down this week I had a clear view. They were probably 125 yards or so away. Eventually one of them worked a little closer to where I thought I had a window to get a shot through. I cranked my scope up to make sure and he was a different little fork horn feeding with the three does. I of course couldn’t shoot him so I just watched them until dark. I thought it interesting a juvenile buck feeding with does right now.
Here in Mass. things are definitely in lock down. Sunday AM (no hunting here on Sundays) I caught a doe and her fawn run through my back field around 9 AM like they did not want to be caught. I told my kids to wait by the window and watch and see if maybe a buck or a coyote might pass through. Sure enough, about 5 minutes later the first buck came running through my field nose to the ground. A minute or two after that another buck came racing across the field.
We all picked the wrong stand yesterday afternoon. Camera on the spot showed a buck locked onto a doe. My dad sat there this afternoon (didn't pull the card until after close today) and saw him again locked on the doe but didn't get a shot off.